I'm not sure if this has been posted in here, but here's a great looking Origins sculpt being offered pretty soon. Painted picture on page 4. https://www.sideshowcollectors.com/forums/showthread.php?141749-Scaletta-Logan-Jackman
I like the sculpt. But again the nose is a little off. I don't want to be overly critical. I do like it. But I have not yet seen a sculpt that gets his sculpt dead on. If u look at a profile view of Hugh jackman the tip of his nose points downward and his nose is longer then most sculpts.
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Got my inflames armor today. Now I gotta figure out which head, claws, pants, Ect to use. And which body. Any thoughts?
I'm thinking the last stand claws would be best. As the armor has a little yellow in it and so does the last stand claws. In working on my custom masked head for one HS but want a jackman ht for the unmasked.
It looks like it's just the origins hair on the newest wolvy head. Looks pretty good though, I may pick one up.
I don't think Headplay did the sculpt. There are a few sellers on eBay who are selling the preorders.