Super Freak
Thats a great looking Gordon. I hope Hot Toys gets around to making one this time around.
Finally finished putting it together =)
Where is Dent
i'm gonna start with this head lol
The good cop bad cop routine?
Not exactly
Received Batman79's (Xces Studios) incredible interrogation room today! Words can't describe how high quality the build is! Extremely professional, couldn't be happier with it.
Had my bro come over to shoot it - I combined it with my zahal broken glass interrogation room, the results are below
Just picked up the Movie Masters Bane. US$16 at Walmart. There out there for anybody that doesnt wanna pay those rediculous Ebay prices.
Received Batman79's (Xces Studios) incredible interrogation room today! Words can't describe how high quality the build is! Extremely professional, couldn't be happier with it.
Had my bro come over to shoot it - I combined it with my zahal broken glass interrogation room, the results are below
Oh and it features an actual Two-Way Mirror
More pics in my thread - click on my sig for a direct link
they have been out for a while, the catwoman is the hard one to find... and gordon walmart exclusive also
In case you missed this. Pretty sure they will turn out perfect/screen accurate.
Had to quote the whole post...
Just at a loss for words. I don't do dio's but this is unbelievably rad.
The Medix, the poses, the realism... all unbelievable.
I agree - that pic is fantastic. The ONLY thing that ruins it are the hands - would be good if HT could improve their realism.