Would love to see your entire collection sometime X!
Hey Mr X, Nice set up! Which Batman is that all the way on the right,past the bust? Thanks
What Batman is that next to the bust ?
Great collection Mr X. You have some nice things we don't see too often.
DC Direct Quarter Scale Museum Batman. Yet another DCD underrated statue. I love it.
Great stuff.
I don't collect statues but I've been tempted to pick up some smaller scale Batman statues. Who made that Alex Ross Batman piece to the bottom left?
Great futzing one Joker.
Nice looking figure collection there sinag55. Shame you had to sell it.
Here's my DC Direct Rogue/Family collection before I had to sell it.
Where's the Red Hood figure from?
I have quite of a few of the Arkham series, and wouldn't mind rounding some of it out with other DCD lines. Particularly Riddler and Catwoman (didn't like the Arkham ones), Red Hood, Damian, Batgirl, etc.
I think I may get this Riddler ...
These are awesome! The poses look great too. Sorry you had to sell them... Never really saw these
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Thanks SnakeDoc. I made that custom Red Hood last year.
I completed the Arkham Series 'til the Ra's/Talia wave, I had to give it up when I realized there's no way I can start my HT Nolan collection and collect the Arkham series at the same time. I had to choose.
I'm restarting my comic book version again this year and I'm going to start with that Riddler. It looks amazing!
I hope DCD makes a Greg Capullo line. I absolutely love his style.
Dammit. I was hoping there was a Red Hood figure somewhere that I wasn't aware of.
I have all of the Asylum line, but I missed several Arkham City figures ... some intentionally, some not. Skipped Catwoman, Riddler, Hatter and Talia intentionally (along with a couple of Batman variants). Didn't much care for them. I may go back for Catwoman. Riddler had a really strange expression and no glasses. Hatter and Talia were just mundane.
I want to go back and get Nightwing, Deadshot, Azrael, Hugo Strange, and Grundy, though. And, I want to start back up with Origins.
A Capullo line wouldn't be bad. I'm not familiar with all of his designs, but the ones you posted look good.