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Sorry for no pictures at moment,I will upload them....

Since I live in huge house I have couple of pets

1.African Grey male named Zero

2.Doberman female named Silly

3.Ferret male named Stinky(he sleeps outside in the yard,in the special box I made for him) cause he is stinky

4.Maine Coon female named Luna

Love them all,and they came in to my house when they were kind of small,so they do get along,not every day,but generaly they like each other.
my 15 year old yorkie named Ralphie..we just put him to sleep last month...we sure miss him so much :(

Turns out, that the kitty has a momma and a sibling. Seen them yesterday. I have no idea where they are now. I just hope they find a farm somewhere that will take them in.

well hopefully they have a family near by or like you said, hpefully they find a farm somewhere that'll give them shelter and a happy life to all 3 of em.
Sorry for no pictures at moment,I will upload them....

Since I live in huge house I have couple of pets

1.African Grey male named Zero

2.Doberman female named Silly

3.Ferret male named Stinky(he sleeps outside in the yard,in the special box I made for him) cause he is stinky

4.Maine Coon female named Luna

Love them all,and they came in to my house when they were kind of small,so they do get along,not every day,but generaly they like each other.

I want another carpet shark badly! I had one for a short time a long time ago and the one I had completely showed the appropriateness of their reputations as clowns.
Last few pages of this thread have been quite sad, My condolences to those that have recently lost their pets..:monkey2

Cool looking staffy dntfeedthemnkys..:hi5: You didn't tell us her name???

Here's some recent pics of my lil' girl Dallas, she's now 7.5
In the second pic she's all geard up for a walk. Unfortunately for Dallas
she has to wear a muzzel in public due to a breed specific legislation (BSL). Pitts have been banned in Melbourne scince November 2005.
If your dog was bourne before this date you were allowed to keep them provided you followed some strict guidlines, muzzeling being one of them.
All other pitts were ordered to be handed over for termination..:(
My family and I have owned pitts for most of my life, I have never owned another breed of dog. They are fantastic misunderstood dogs.
It really shocks me that in this day in age people still discriminate..:(
Dallas is the last American Pitbull Terrier I will legally be able to own..:monkey2

They killed off all the pitbulls? What a crock of ****! That is just SO WRONG! Did anyone take them to court over it?
They killed off all the pitbulls? What a crock of ****! That is just SO WRONG! Did anyone take them to court over it?

Excactly Ween, i'ts a big crock of ****. Basicaly after the law was passed it made it illegal to buy, sell or breed pitts. If you were in possesion of a pitt that was born/obtained after the cut off date (November 5th 2005) you were in breach of the law.
People started registering thier pitts as cross breeds or American staffys but if they (the law) suspected it was a pitt they would seize your dog. If you appealed the descision you would then have to prove in court that you dog is not a pitt to get it back..For some/most people this was to hard or to costly so the dog would ultimately be destroyed..:(
This law is pure ignorance and discriminative. It's exactly like saying all Muslims are terrorists..:dunno
my dog Thor just got fixed. Doc said he only has one nutsack that descended so they had to open him up to find the other :( Poor guy.