You have a very cute weiner. And a hairy one too!
thats what she said
You have a very cute weiner. And a hairy one too!
That IS what she(ween) said.
Turns out, that the kitty has a momma and a sibling. Seen them yesterday. I have no idea where they are now. I just hope they find a farm somewhere that will take them in.
Sorry for no pictures at moment,I will upload them....
Since I live in huge house I have couple of pets
1.African Grey male named Zero
2.Doberman female named Silly
3.Ferret male named Stinky(he sleeps outside in the yard,in the special box I made for him) cause he is stinky
4.Maine Coon female named Luna
Love them all,and they came in to my house when they were kind of small,so they do get along,not every day,but generaly they like each other.
Cool looking staffy dntfeedthemnkys.. You didn't tell us her name???
They killed off all the pitbulls? What a crock of ****! That is just SO WRONG! Did anyone take them to court over it?