Hoping for the best. Rest easy in knowing she's lived a full life with someone to care for her like you obviously do.
Thanks guys ,
I spoke to the vets today and sadly they said her kidneys are very badly damaged.She seems to be stumbling also and is practically unable to walk now. I've been told to take her in early tomorrow and a few of the vets want to take a look at her properly. Apparently treatment might be a possibility but they also mentioned again about putting her down and looking at her now I'm getting the feeling that's what they're going to recommend.
Although she doesn't seem to be in any pain ( unless we pick her up ) she seems really depressed with her head down and she doesn't seem to know where she is.
What's strange though is she's still drinking and eating fine and strangely although she hasn't been walking around and falling over when she tries I walked in yesterday to find she'd jumped up on the windowsill and was looking outside.
If it comes to the worst scenario tomorrow it wont be easy.
It might seem a bit stupid to some people but this cat has literally been with me since birth making me laugh , smashing my statues to pieces and getting on my lap every night to go to sleep.
She has more of what you'd consider a dogs personality.
Very sorry to hear this uscmhicks, both of my cats are the same way...(dog-ish), I'm not even sure what would happen if I was in your shoes. Actually, I don't like thinking of it.
I'll will have to hunt someone down and make them pay and SMASH... prolly Wofford, I'm not a bad guy just have bad luck.
Best regards,
I'm flattered I guess.
Thanks everyone. Well , I had to say goodbye today. That was the hardest decision I've ever had to make. I was like a baby in there !.
She'd lost another 200 grams in the last 2 days and she seemed disorientated and really depressed as well as seeming to be in pain whenever we lifted her up to take her to her litter tray and according to the vet her kidneys were so badly damaged she was likely to start feeling worse very soon and experiencing lots of horrible symptoms so this seemed the right thing to do.
RIP Fluffy !.
I paid to get her ashes back in a nice box where you can put their photo on the front so that will be nice to have.
Thanks again guys.![]()
RIP Fluffy !.
I paid to get her ashes back in a nice box where you can put their photo on the front so that will be nice to have.
Thanks again guys.![]()
Thanks everyone. Well , I had to say goodbye today. That was the hardest decision I've ever had to make. I was like a baby in there !.
She'd lost another 200 grams in the last 2 days and she seemed disorientated and really depressed as well as seeming to be in pain whenever we lifted her up to take her to her litter tray and according to the vet her kidneys were so badly damaged she was likely to start feeling worse very soon and experiencing lots of horrible symptoms so this seemed the right thing to do.
RIP Fluffy !.
I paid to get her ashes back in a nice box where you can put their photo on the front so that will be nice to have.
Thanks again guys.![]()
Thanks everyone.
The atmosphere has seemed different since she hasn't been here but it's become easier now knowing she's at peace and wont have to go through any pain.
She had a long life and I couldn't have asked for a more loyal and friendly cat. Most of my family were even crying when I told them so i guess that shows how long she's been around and sticking in everyone's memory.
My neighbor asked me before if I'll be getting another cat but I'm not sure I want to just yet, you're not even supposed to have them where I live aswell , fluffy was so quiet though nobody ever knew.![]()
Sorry for your loss. Great to take the time and just transition slowly.
I took this photo of Phoenix (the grey/white) and Zoë sleeping yesterday.
Used to be, smashed meant drunk. Guess I'll have to watch what I say now.
"I'm going out to get smashed" just doesn't mean the same thing now.![]()
Thanks everyone.
The atmosphere has seemed different since she hasn't been here but it's become easier now knowing she's at peace and wont have to go through any pain.
She had a long life and I couldn't have asked for a more loyal and friendly cat. Most of my family were even crying when I told them so i guess that shows how long she's been around and sticking in everyone's memory.
My neighbor asked me before if I'll be getting another cat but I'm not sure I want to just yet, you're not even supposed to have them where I live aswell , fluffy was so quiet though nobody ever knew.![]()
Well depends your age catagory I suppose. I know my generation says "I'd smash on that".![]()