My lovable fleabag, Sophie, right before she got her bath.

That last pic is awesome. Brilliant.
My dog Gothic
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My cat of 11 years, who passed away over Christmas from heart failure. RIP my sweet boy.
Aww. Sorry to hear that.
We take in these little creatures that have far shorter lifespans than our own. And inevitably are heartbroken when they are taken from us.
What was his name?
His name was Sutter. I got him when he was two months old, and we instantly bonded. He used to wait for me at the front door to come home from work. When he'd see me pull in to the driveway, he'd run to meet me at the back door and beg to be picked up. He'd wrap his paws around my neck and give me kisses on my chin. He was truly special and he will be greatly missed.
My cat does that when i am at my desk. He jumps on the back of my seat, walks down me to the desk, then crawls back up and puts his paws on either side of my neck and sniffs my chin.
Interesting name too.
Do *you* read Sutter Cane?
It's amazing how much personality they have.
Good catch on the name.That's the character he's named after. Everyone else thought he was named after the wine.
I knew it. One of my fave horror movies. I watched it on wednesday. That "old" little boy("I can't get out! He won't let me out!"), makes goosebumps rise on my arms every time i see the scene.
Sorry again to hear you lost Sutter.
I like the movie too. I'm a huge Sam Neill fan.
Thanks for the kind thoughts.