Sideshow 1/6 C-3PO

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For me - (while in a perfect world, multiples of certain characters in my collection wouldn't be necessary, but great nonetheless), I don't really have an overwhelming reason to own two 'high end' C-3PO pieces. The same goes with any other SW character - & truth be told, it's really just me employing some tough love on myself, because I'd seriously go hell for leather with SW if I justified it enough. :lol

So yeah - I'm kinda torn, but the reality of working within a budget, plus wanting to maintain a modest but focused SW 'shrine' is my compass so to speak. Sure, a weathered C-3PO with some different inclusions (& if these companies are creative enough, they can think of something to throw in) is a relevant addition to the list of 1/6 SW options out there, but yeah.. I really just want one excellent representation of the big OT faves, & therefore the Tamashii C-3PO more than covers that for me - regardless of what future versions offer.

It doesn't mean I'm not interested in keeping an eye on things, but when you also factor in the fact that these pieces will only get MORE expensive as time passes, the 3PO box is more than ticked for me as far as I'm concerned.

He's wearing Threepio's exclusive!


From Kevin Ellis on Instagram.

Did we know about the light-up eyes? Was probably a fair bet anyway.

Edit: Ah, that's the bust. Shoulda known from the lack of, er, body!
Yes, confirmed that fingers are articulated. Straight-on, the jaw/mouth area still looks off as seen in the SDCC pics, but overall it's looking awesome - great job, Sideshow!

Weathering looks good, but this is the prototype, so can't really judge. As is, this looks more ROTJ to me than SW though.

Interesting that the right arm is pretty much fully extended (i.e. slid along the channel as far as possible) versus fully retratcted set-up in the SDCC pics and it doesn't look that different, so the "bending arm" articulation is pretty subtle, but it's really not that needed with all the other articulation.

Take my money! Oh wait... now how much are we talking here exactly?:wink1::pray:
Probably both. Those look like articulated fingers, right? Has that been confirmed? Though I wish I had ck1's willpower to pre-cancel everything and wait for HT. This will be mine. :yess: