Sideshow 1/6 C-3PO

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Comparing the production Tami to the few proto pics of the SS isn't really fair on either. Until a SS production is in hand it's all speculation.

That said, I'm going for the SS as I prefer the weathered look (matches my favourite scenes in the entire saga) and the Tama just looks to clinical for me.

The only advice I would give at this point is, if you like clean, go Tama. If you like weathered, go SS.

I don't get too hung up on minor inaccuracies, but I do wonder that in this day and age why they can't get digital scans of certain items such as Stormtrooper helmets and C3PO's head and digitally scale those down to create the moulds instead of hand sculpting them. I know Vader is a bit harder because most of the original helmets are gone and the last remaining one in the Lucasfilm archives is in less than desirable condition. But even then, they did detailed scans for EFX so it can still be done.

I think that pretty much sums it up. Good post sir.
Seeing some pics posted of 3po from the movies, i noticed the vac-metalised finish on him tends to mute some of his details because of light reflecting. As the ssc is painted, and then weathered most likely with a paint 'wash' these details would be further accentuated and would appear quite different even if they may be the same.
Ofcourse, i'm not saying the sculpt is perfect, it's just my observation.
What do you guys think?
That said, I'm going for the SS as I prefer the weathered look (matches my favourite scenes in the entire saga) and the Tama just looks to clinical for me.

Tamashi version = Tantive 4 (Most classic opening scene.) My favorite
SideShow = Tuskin surprise (Classic scene as well)
Well overall its an amazing job by SideShow, it just looks like the suit, but I agree that the head is off. The most notable thing to me is that the nose on theirs is a slot and the actual helmet has a ridge:

View attachment 147543

At this price I am glad I went with the Tamashi, looking forward to seeing side by side comparisons.

This is a good example of what i'm trying to show!
Tamashi version = Tantive 4 (Most classic opening scene.) My favorite
SideShow = Tuskin surprise (Classic scene as well)

3PO is still more scuffed up in the Tantive IV scenes than the Tama. The Tama fits the medal ceremony scene.

But the Tama is closer than the over weathered SS if that's what you're trying to capture.
Here's a closeup:

View attachment 147545

I'd call it a slot but either way it is probably semantics, who nose? Either way it is off enough for me to really notice...

If you look at other pics, it is not a slot.

I'm glad I did too. The Tamishii has lighted eyes that even match the three-point triangle of the original film lights, and it certainly matches the true metallic color overall. I like the idea of having a dirty, oily C-3P0, but the SS paint looks like... paint.

Headsculpt inaccuracies aside, the finish on this figure will be the #1 issue because it affects the look of the whole thing. As a proto, it looks great, but we won't be receiving hand-painted items.

This is extremely complex to pull off using factory apps - gold chrome with even grime - and then there's the issue of the intricate and fine articulation which will be totally clogged with weathering paint (like IG-88 was) and won't move.

That settles it for me too. Going to order the SSC instead of Tamashi. The SSC face looks better to me even though the head is wider. I see the Tamashi eyes as being too small or the sockets are too big... Something's off there that I don't like even though most people will say it's perfection. And the mouth is weird. Thanks for posting that.

From the pictures you selected, the Tamashii does look better.

Only based on the pictures selected - which are pretty crappy (the SSC is in the dark and the proto Tama is so over-lit it looks bizarre.)

All the 1/6 version are off from the original. And it doesn't stop at the head. There's at least as much wrong with the Tama as there is any other version, so at the end of the day it's all about which parts you can't live with and which you can - and money.

Ehh... the Tama matches 3PO's "S" stance perfectly and the head is very, very close (way closer than the SSC.) There's other inaccuracies, but most are due to the die-cast choice, and some are just functional inaccuracies (like the backs of the knees, an inaccuracy shared with the SSC - they should be black fabric with wires.)

Comparing the production Tami to the few proto pics of the SS isn't really fair on either. Until a SS production is in hand it's all speculation.

That said, I'm going for the SS as I prefer the weathered look (matches my favourite scenes in the entire saga) and the Tama just looks to clinical for me.

The only advice I would give at this point is, if you like clean, go Tama. If you like weathered, go SS.

I don't get too hung up on minor inaccuracies, but I do wonder that in this day and age why they can't get digital scans of certain items such as Stormtrooper helmets and C3PO's head and digitally scale those down to create the moulds instead of hand sculpting them. I know Vader is a bit harder because most of the original helmets are gone and the last remaining one in the Lucasfilm archives is in less than desirable condition. But even then, they did detailed scans for EFX so it can still be done.

Actually, that pic is the Tamashii prototype (where it looks odd to me.)

And re: scanning 3PO, it does make sense. It's available. Hmm... maybe Hot Toys will do that for their 3PO (yes folks, it will be made in the next 2-3 years.)
Headsculpt inaccuracies aside, the finish on this figure will be the #1 issue because it affects the look of the whole thing. As a proto, it looks great, but we won't be receiving hand-painted items.

This is extremely complex to pull off using factory apps - gold chrome with even grime - and then there's the issue of the intricate and fine articulation which will be totally clogged with weathering paint (like IG-88 was) and won't move.

Yeah, final finish is going to be what makes or breaks this figure. The PF weathering and gold came of really well in my opinion, but they had a base metal body to electoplate on that one.
Ehh... the Tama matches 3PO's "S" stance perfectly and the head is very, very close (way closer than the SSC.) There's other inaccuracies, but most are due to the die-cast choice, and some are just functional inaccuracies (like the backs of the knees, an inaccuracy shared with the SSC - they should be black fabric with wires.)

No, the differences are due to the creators not having enough attention for detail. The mouth, the "ears" the sides of the head, the top of the head, the eyes, the overall shape. That's just the head FFS. ;) Sorry,I know people love this thing to death, but at $400 and with a name like "Perfect" they could have tried a little bit harder. FAIL for the Japanese Star Wars scholar, IMO.

I'll rip Sideshow a new one for the totally obvious faults on theirs too of course.
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I think the Tamashii = Final Celebration shiny 3PO. The Sideshow one works for the rest of the film. :)

It's funny that everyone seems to want to do ANH 3PO - yet the Tamashii's color and finish looks 100% ESB and the SSC color and finish looks 100% ROTJ to me (right down to the really orange eyes.)
No, the differences are due to the creators not having enough attention for detail. The mouth, the "ears" the sides of the head, the top of the head, the eyes, the overall shape. That's just the head FFS. ;) Sorry,I know people love this thing to death, but at $400 and with a name like "Perfect" they could have tried a little bit harder. FAIL for the Japanese Star Wars scholar, IMO.

I'll rip Sideshow a new one for the totally obvious faults on theirs too of course.

I wish we would be so lucky as to have more figures by the japanese Star Wars scholar. Every one of the Marmits and the Tamashi 3PO are among the best figures released. The prototypes don't look so bad either. There isn't even much of a case to be made against the model kit aspect of the Marmits since most of Sideshows offerings require new bodies and some matter of modifications to reach their full potential as well.
The Tama is hardly at the level (of sculpt quality) of the Marmits. Despite costing 5 to 10 times as much. You also don't need to be a self-proclaimed scholar to get these things bang-on. Just a decent sculptor with an eye for detail, a head for numbers (scale, proportions, mechanical properties and limits, costs, etc.) and a passion for accuracy. Sorry, but none of the people producing SW figures has all three, even when you take into account an entire team of people on a single project.
Just a decent sculptor with an eye for detail, a head for numbers (scale, proportions, mechanical properties and limits, costs, etc.) and a passion for accuracy. Sorry, but none of the people producing SW figures has all three, even when you take into account an entire team of people on a single project.

Sculptors? Who has time to sculpt? The future calls for 3D printing. We can already print food, perfectly replicated dolls can't be too far behind. :lol:horror
My main issues with the figure are the face--I agree it seems a bit too wide and the chin ever so slightly too long, and the legs. There's something strange going on down there. I don't know what it is. Thunderthighs? Fat knees? Not sure. Something just seems off about them, especially in relation to the rest of the body.
Yep. In certain photos, those things do stand out.

My wife has ordered this guy for me,to be next year's Xmas present(this year I get R2).Something about the face seems a little off, but overall I'm impressed.I love my wife...PS
Regardless of any inaccuracies the Tama has it still feels more right to me than any of the others. Thats really what it comes down to because no matter what these things will always be inaccurate. What can you live with really? Ill take slightly oversized piston and whatever is going on with the "ears" than a big fat head.
Ill take slightly oversized piston and whatever is going on with the "ears" than a big fat head.

What if the head opens up to reveal Anthony Daniels inside? The "fatness" issue may turn out to be photography issues in the end as it's not obvious in all the photos. Let's go back to complaining about the price.