Even being as careful as I could possibly be, the piston broke on the left arm. The internal mechanism features extremely thin and brittle the plastic, pretty sure they will all break at some point.
While the wrist looks like a ball joint, it's not. The peg in the hand is permanently attached so the wrist can not rotate. I've never seen this restriction before on a 12" figure, is it common? Anyways, don't expect to tilt his hand to rest on R2, because the wrist is stuck moving only left/right with no up/down movement.
The magnet feature for the restraining bolt is useless, as the magnets are very weak. Use double sided tape rather than risk loosing the bolt.
Black dot on left eye higher than right, metal screen has a dent in it.
The plastic was injected at too high of a temperature, resulting in two deformation lines starting at the neck bolts and running straight down his breastplate.
Thumbs do not work like that!!!! Sorry, thumbs are angled more like a finger than a thumb, resulting in a very odd look.
The painted drip lines on the left side of the head are 1/8" lower than than the ridge line.
I do like how the eye feature works, but the color seems more white than the yellow orange I recall from the films.
I'm rather disappointed with this figure. I would hold off for the next inevitable version for the hopes that they fix the issues.