OT Preferist
Re: SSC - Temple of Doom - Indiana Jones
Looks good so far... very clean, but that's easily remedied.
Looks good so far... very clean, but that's easily remedied.
Sculpt looks nothing like Ford
And people say it's ok.If this was a HT figure people would be saying it looks like garbage. What a difference a little company logo makes...
Something just hot me...this could be just the rope bridge version and that's it. Yes, it's the most recognised version, .
Sculpt looks nothing like Ford, but I can't tell you how much I'd like this to be brilliant. ToD is one of my favourite ever movies.
And people say it's ok.If this was a HT figure people would be saying it looks like garbage. What a difference a little company logo makes...
Hopefully it looks better in the rest of the photos, but I won't order it unless the in hand photos are impressive.
Something just hot me...this could be just the rope bridge version and that's it. Yes, it's the most recognised version, but he also had his standard gear on in the same film and it would make it very cool of SS to include a jacket, untorn pants, an alternate undamaged's a reach but I hope so.
The jaxket is a must as far as im concerned. I definitely want a standard 'clean' head, but who knows. It wouldn't surprise me if it was the Ex.We may not get a 2nd undamaged head sculpt but I think we'll probably at least get the jacket (even if we don't get a full shirt)
The jacket alone means the figure can essentially pass for an 'overall' Indy look and I think Sideshow would know it would really help sales wise in that regard.
The jaxket is a must as far as im concerned. I definitely want a standard 'clean' head, but who knows. It wouldn't surprise me if it was the Ex.