Super Freak
Re: SSC - Temple of Doom - Indiana Jones
I really want to like this, but am unimpressed by the sculpt.
I really want to like this, but am unimpressed by the sculpt.
The jaxket is a must as far as im concerned. I definitely want a standard 'clean' head, but who knows. It wouldn't surprise me if it was the Ex.
Typo or what?199.99.
it's up. no Ex, it is the Ex.
After x-wing pilot Luke, this might be another bare bones figure, just saying. I hope they go all out for this one, and by all out I mean paint apps
Also the clothing looks like the same from the Raiders figure, at least the belts and shirt do
Yeah, i knew the indy line was'nt dead. Imagine the accessories that might come with this one: White tux, urn of nurhachi, antidote, monkey brains, chalice of kali, sanskrit cloth, giant gong
If Trevor Grove did the sculpt, your fairly sure of a good Ford likeness.
I think I was one of the three people who got lucky with Drake and was happy with the sculpt I received ( see profile pic) ; )Grove also sculpted Drake.....and we know how THAT turned out in production.
What's up with the stitching along the satchel's strap ? I'll obviously switch out all the leather gear for my own, but that's kind of an odd miss.. Regardless, very interested in seeing this... Main interest is in the head and what accessories / possible other clothing it may have (Tux please !)
I may crank out about a dozen TOD belt, holster whip sets just to set aside so when this actually hits those interested in upgrades will not have to wait.