Sideshow 1/6 Jango Fett

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Thanks for the compliment....and I don't dispute the fact that this figure definitely has issues...more than most. I've had my share of aggravation handling this one.

Could Sideshow have handled the execution better here? Absolutely. But the end result isn't a total throw-it-back-in-the-box-send-it-back washout to me.

It takes a little more patience, a lot more care in handling, but I like the way the figure displays once you can get it there....

I understand the aggravation some folks (well, a lot of folks judging from what's posted in this thread) are experiencing with Sideshow's Jango....but I like the character enough and have been waiting long enough for this figure that....I can endure a little aggro to get some good shots and still enjoy it.

I hope others still manage to as well and post more pics...
Just think.
You could have purchased the amazing HT OT Stormtrooper and had 20 bucks leftover for lunch OR had this Chittty Chitty Jang Jang figure.

Thats the way I look at it.
I went for both.

And I haven't taken near the amount of pictures of that HT Trooper....but that's a different discussion.

You may choose to take or leave this figure....fine. Hopefully there's room for both viewpoints in here.
No hard feelings intended:)

to me, The most annoying part is the helmet. There really is no significant improvement from the EX severed head that came with Mace Windu years ago.

Stormtroopers are a lot more stationary than Jango so theres no need for dynamic photos with them. They look their best just standing and firing away.
However, Jango is a character that never stayed still. Thats the root of why so many are disappointed. You should be able to frequently pose him with out frustration or fear of breakage..especially at the price of HT! The careless attention to details of the costume, weapons, and body choice are just the icing.
...Hopefully there's room for both viewpoints in here.
Saying you like a figure that the majority (or more vocal) members dislike seems to be an invitation for some to reiterate ad nausium that they don't like it (and neither should you). Would be nice if people said their opinion twice/three times and left it at that. It's a pretty small forum with regular posters. We all know who hates the figure and/or SSC many times over by now. :sleep
Saying you like a figure that the majority (or more vocal) members dislike seems to be an invitation for some to reiterate ad nausium that they don't like it (and neither should you). Would be nice if people said their opinion twice/three times and left it at that. It's a pretty small forum with regular posters. We all know who hates the figure and/or SSC many times over by now. :sleep

See the diecast MK III thread:slap
This is the best Jango figure I've owned. I had the Medi 1st version loved it and it had its issues but this is a step up so I'm happy with it until HT makes serious improvements on their eventual version hopefully. Keeping it till something better comes along.

Not the best figure based on its issues but better that previous versions.
You may choose to take or leave this figure....fine. Hopefully there's room for both viewpoints in here.

Glad you're enjoying Jango jedibear. The only two PF's I own are Frodo and First Avenger Cap and I love them both even though the "consensus" is that those two PF's are mediocre at best. Sometimes you just have to say "screw the herd, I like what I like." :D
Damn! I was going to call you on that, but I just watched the Geonosis scene again and you're right. For some reason I though he had two there. My bad!
Readjusted the armor pieces on the vest. Made them sit higher like they are supposed to.
Anybody notice the gun smoke pieces are exactly the same? Don't think it matters but wasn't sure if everyone's are the same. Sideshow has been know to give two of the same pieces like two left feet. Just wondered if anyone else's was different?
I had also tried to raise the armor pieces, but did not like the holes that were left behind on the vest. I do think it looks much better lifted. Can you take pic of jango with helmet on.
No hard feelings intended:)

to me, The most annoying part is the helmet. There really is no significant improvement from the EX severed head that came with Mace Windu years ago.

Stormtroopers are a lot more stationary than Jango so theres no need for dynamic photos with them. They look their best just standing and firing away.
However, Jango is a character that never stayed still. Thats the root of why so many are disappointed. You should be able to frequently pose him with out frustration or fear of breakage..especially at the price of HT! The careless attention to details of the costume, weapons, and body choice are just the icing.

Not sure that's fair.


Yeah. The holes suck but for me it looks better even with the holes. I'll take a pic with the helmet on.

The head swap is almost impossible. I tried to get the black neck off the body to put the reveal head on and I could not pull it off. I had to use a butter knife to pry it off from underneath cause my pliers were leaving teeth marks on the neck. Then I tried to put the Jango neck on and it was too tight. I ended up running off some of the paint on the neck trying to push it on. I had to use a drill bit to carve out some of the hole in the neck to make it fit on the body post.

Finally it went in but I don't want to put the black neck back on cause it was so hard to get off in the first place. It seems like SS used a taller neck post in the reveal neck to be the same height as the black neck which I like. So if you can get the black neck off and ever plan to use the Jango head you don't need to put the black neck back on to make the helmet look right.
Holes? Really SSC? Why didn't they use velcro like the proto Fett? I don't have that figure, but I did pick up a parted out vest and though it was a good idea. Also gives you a little wiggle room for adjustments.

Bottom line: I'm soooo glad I did not buy this.
Thanks for the compliment....and I don't dispute the fact that this figure definitely has issues...more than most. I've had my share of aggravation handling this one.

Could Sideshow have handled the execution better here? Absolutely. But the end result isn't a total throw-it-back-in-the-box-send-it-back washout to me.

It takes a little more patience, a lot more care in handling, but I like the way the figure displays once you can get it there....
No worries man, & for what it's worth, you're one of the positive contributors around here that make the hobby fun - & my hat genuinely goes off to you for that. :)

Seriously though, SSC could be such a great 1/6 figure producer if they approached things with far more care & attention.

The curious thing though, is that they're completely out of their league these days.. & they just want to keep going. :lol
No worries man, & for what it's worth, you're one of the positive contributors around here that make the hobby fun - & my hat genuinely goes off to you for that. :)

Seriously though, SSC could be such a great 1/6 figure producer if they approached things with far more care & attention.

The curious thing though, is that they're completely out of their league these days.. & they just want to keep going. :lol

...and we (myself included) keep buying! Sure, there are some who pass on certain things because of this or that, but I'm sure those tolerant of the flaws to have a representation of a favorite character will keep Sideshow playing the game... This figure is a great example for me: Do I love the character? Not as much as others. Do I like the character enough to have a representation of it on my shelf? Absolutely. What is the price point that shifts that last question to a no? Apparently somewhere north of what they're charging. I fully blame myself and those like me for feeding the pig, but dang it, I love this Star Wars stuff! :)