I am willing to do another run. People ask me but then I believe I reply and I don't hear back. But if you are interested ping me...
Not to derail anything, pardon my interruption, but you wouldn't happen to be Tom Day, as in the ambient electronic music artist Tom Day, would you?Recently I decided to take the weathering off my Luke x-wing helmet and while I was doing it I looked at a lot of screen caps from the film. Only after i'd done this did I realise how poor the paint job on the helmet is. They haven't even tried to make it look like the one in the film. Compare this with the HT Boba Fett paint applications. No doubt Fett fans could find lots of places on the helmet where it doesn't match the prop, but at least there's no doubting that they tried, and the finish is of a high standard. The sheer lack of effort in the X-wing Luke helmet paint job is shocking when you consider the price.
Not to derail anything, pardon my interruption, but you wouldn't happen to be Tom Day, as in the ambient electronic music artist Tom Day, would you?
How many years ago was that?
bodies are the hardest part in this because there is no stable supply where costs are controllable. In fact, I am not entirely sure I can come up with enough bodies at the proper scale.
Wow, that's a fair while before USA folks will get theirs! Will take some more pics this weekend and post up.
Yep, they look great, Kool!
Have you had any trouble posing them and having them keep their pose because of the floppy joints? I know you mentioned that you don't feel confident enough to not use the stands, but do they have trouble staying upright even on the stands?
I just want to get a sense of the severity of the weak joints. Most of my figures have been ok, but the first Sideshow Indy and the first Sideshow Stormie both had very loose bodies on mine. At the time that they first came out I wasn't as bothered by them because I probably didn't know any better. But eventually after getting so many other figures with tighter bodies, those two figures really ended up bugging me til I ultimately replaced the bodies.