Sideshow 1/6 R2-D2

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Let's not get that back-n-forth going again OK?

Like that silly blond girl in that cartoon screeches..."Let It Go"...... :)
Why would we believe him? All he has done is complain before he got it yet he still bought one? He is the only person who seems to have one outside those who were specially sent one. He can't take any pics because he already selling it.
Worst case: suppose he's lying. Still don't care.
Worst case: suppose he's lying. Still don't care.

Exactly. :lol

Besides, I think I've seen enough of this thing to know I'm going to like it. I mean, we've seen that great video review where the guy opened every compartment, used accessory and showed us all it's gimmicks. Unless this thing falls apart in my hands and breaks every time I touch it do I imagine I'll dislike it.
At least its lowered my expectations a wee bit just in case this thing is delicate to the touch. Not that that would bother me anyway. Hell, my plastic Iron Men are fragile and light feeling -- all wrong to the touch -- but they look great on the shelf.
At least its lowered my expectations a wee bit just in case this thing is delicate to the touch. Not that that would bother me anyway. Hell, my plastic Iron Men are fragile and light feeling -- all wrong to the touch -- but they look great on the shelf.
That was one of the issues I initially had when I first began collecting the Iron Man armors. They felt light as a feather which was ironic given the name of the superhero. :lol
Anyway, I'm way over it now and their diecast offerings are a move in the right direction.
At least its lowered my expectations a wee bit just in case this thing is delicate to the touch. Not that that would bother me anyway. Hell, my plastic Iron Men are fragile and light feeling -- all wrong to the touch -- but they look great on the shelf.

Given the fuss I caused it's ironic that I now find myself defending this figure and quoting Pixelpiper on how the probe droid is sturdier than people thought so this probably will be too. I also think that if it is sturdy then people will love all the different features, it really is a box of tricks.

One point I'd like to make is that Sideshow themselves use the word 'fragile' on the little grey instruction leaflet that comes with it... and maybe they shouldn't! Thinking about it if the manufacturer tells you its fragile then it's hard to have confidence in it, and I think this probably didn't help. Weirdly, it tells you how to put the dome on but not how to get it off.

Then again the English on the leaflet sounded a little stilted and a bit like a translation, maybe Sideshow should have kept a closer eye on the wording.
I hadn't had a chance to share this with you guys. My awesome wife was planning on getting me R2 for Christmas, but obviously because of the strike, it didn't happen.

But she wanted to wrap something up for me to open, so this is what she did:



She made a cutout of R2 on foamcore with a stand and put it in a box.

How awesome is that? I feel like I already have R2! :lol

The cutout height is pretty accurate to the specs on the website (6.75"), maybe about 1/16th of an inch shy. I'd say the size is pretty good, but maybe is a teeny tiny bit short. It could stand to be another 1/4 to 1/2 inch taller I think.

So anyway, just thought I would show you guys how great my wife is! :)

That is true love!
I didn't get my notice for this figure yet but maybe its because I cancelled my order and re-ordered with this month's coupon. Not sure if Sideshow fulfills orders in the order they're placed o something. Either way it should be coming fairly soon.
It says fragile on the instruction sheet because that's what it is. It's a high end collectible figure with tons of moving parts that could easily break if you're playing with this thing on the ground like it's a $16 toy. Any high end collectible is going to say the same thing. I just got the Elder Predator from Hot Toys and if you don't handle that thing with kid gloves you can easily end up breaking many of the parts on it....but that's nothing new in the 1/6 market world.

A 'fragile' 1/6 collectible shouldn't be anything new to you CB, unless this was truly your first piece in this genre, as very few high end 1/6 figures are able to be handled without much care.
Fragile is definitely the key word.
I picked mine up yesterday and one for a friend at work.
When I was setting it up, I was convinced that the radar compartment was the light sabre compartment !!!! after getting it stuck, it took 10 minutes to free it (the sabre) and I was sure I would snap off the blue panel. I didn't and all was good.
Overall, I am very pleased with this figure and I think he looks great with my HT Besbin Luke.
My mate is equally pleased - its his first "expensive' toy. Now he wants HULK.
Haha. Actually, if the HULK figure fell over, onto R2, it would be a case of HULK SMASH !! I don't think I will put the theory to the test!!
What in 1/6 isn't fragile? HT Luke's belt is ready to explode when touched and even somewhat durable "fragile" stuff like SSC's great stormie blaster has come apart on me several times.

Gamorrean Guard's about the only high end 1/6 fig (SSC or HT) that I felt could take some rough handling but even he has a few straps etc. that can break.

Yeah, to be honest I don't get the insinuations over the pics, either. If I had it in-hand, I don't know that I'd bother, either, especially since I don't have a good macro and hate cell phone pics. Who cares. There'll a zillion pics coming shortly, anyway.

I don't know, to me this one has been a swinging pendulum - one minute it's Budget Stark saying it doesn't look like HT quality and some pics where it looks too small using other R2's as scale, then Rebelscum's pics show that maybe it is in scale but maybe the paint is questionable, then people say it's the lighting, then the yoda's video makes it look great and I'm jazzed again, then Cap Brit weighs in as the first paying consumer to have it in hand and says it's so disappointing he's instantly selling it and wouldn't bother to take a pic.

So... dunno. I would have liked a pic, and if I was the first consumer I would have taken a pic (we're all in the same boat...) but everyone's different and entitled to say "meh, no pic." But Pic or no pic, I think I'm nervous about this fig again. Until the pendulum swings again... hopefully.
I don't know, to me this one has been a swinging pendulum - one minute it's Budget Stark saying it doesn't look like HT quality and some pics where it looks too small using other R2's as scale, then Rebelscum's pics show that maybe it is in scale but maybe the paint is questionable, then people say it's the lighting, then the yoda's video makes it look great and I'm jazzed again, then Cap Brit weighs in as the first paying consumer to have it in hand and says it's so disappointing he's instantly selling it and wouldn't bother to take a pic.

So... dunno. I would have liked a pic, and if I was the first consumer I would have taken a pic (we're all in the same boat...) but everyone's different and entitled to say "meh, no pic." But Pic or no pic, I think I'm nervous about this fig again. Until the pendulum swings again... hopefully.
Yep, I get your meaning and sure, taking and posting pics would've been a nice thing to do, but I was speaking more to the assumption that he must be lying since he didn't post. In regards to the pendulum and R2, I think good pics will probably make this figure very acceptable for the price to most. For some of us the weathering, seam or silvery paint dome will probably kill it, but that's fine, too. There's no rush to order the regular, so I can wait for the deluge of in-hand pics to arrive.
Cap Brit weighs in as the first paying consumer to have it in hand and says it's so disappointing he's instantly selling it and wouldn't bother to take a pic.
He is only "first" by virtue of getting it from someone in Asia. It was also one person's entirely subjective opinion without any pictures to let us form our own. Don't read too much into it. I'm being charged in the 30th and will keep my order. I'll post photos and an honest opinion when he's in hand.
He is only "first" by virtue of getting it from someone in Asia. It was also one person's entirely subjective opinion without any pictures to let us form our own. Don't read too much into it. I'm being charged in the 30th and will keep my order. I'll post photos and an honest opinion when he's in hand.

I agree! :goodpost:
Yep, I get your meaning and sure, taking and posting pics would've been a nice thing to do, but I was speaking more to the assumption that he must be lying since he didn't post. In regards to the pendulum and R2, I think good pics will probably make this figure very acceptable for the price to most. For some of us the weathering, seam or silvery paint dome will probably kill it, but that's fine, too. There's no rush to order the regular, so I can wait for the deluge of in-hand pics to arrive.

Yeah, like I keep saying, mine will always have the drinks tray on it, so that will hide any potential imperfections - for most buyers/freaks however, those issues (if they are issues) will be a bigger problem.

He is only "first" by virtue of getting it from someone in Asia. It was also one person's entirely subjective opinion without any pictures to let us form our own. Don't read too much into it. I'm being charged in the 30th and will keep my order. I'll post photos and an honest opinion when he's in hand.

I should have also qualified that with a "first paying customer on Freaks." I love what the rebelscum guys do (their archive is the #1 resource for collectprs and customizers, and I love the pics they do) but it's always great to hear/see pics from a boardie who has spent the $$.