Sideshow 1/6 R2-D2

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Overall I like what I'm seeing with this figure... size being a smidge off is the only serious concern I have.
They don't start charging until Friday 1/30.

So its unlikely that anything will ship until next week. Maybe a few out friday night heading for East Coast. But I doubt we'll have in hand pics until mid next week at earliest.
I just cancelled my preorder for the exclusive, since I'm out of the 1/6 scale Star Wars figures anyway. And with the high shippingcosts and high dollar-euro conversionrate, it would have been a very expensive figure that I didn't really need to have anymore.

So I hope some other freak here now has his or her waitlist converted.
I've emailed SS asking if it's possible to move the last Flex payment from 15th March to something sooner. :impatient:
You guys all know I've never been shy about being vocal when I feel Sideshow has dropped the ball.

Some of you also know I'm a longtime member of the R2 Builders Club and over the years have gotten to know every detail of R2's design. To date, I've built 4 of them. So I'm kinda like those Darth Vader and Stormtrooper diehards who go over those products with fine-toothed combs and calipers.

And I say.... this is a GREAT figure, and the best overall 1:6 R2-D2 yet, by far. It's also a very good value at its price in today's market.

In fact, this thing is much more accurate than the unfortunate 1:1 Fred Barton R2 that Sideshow once offered. And a little better than the PF in some respects.

Only the most cynical of buttheads among us would be disappointed in this figure.

Kudos, Sideshow! :clap
Some of you also know I'm a longtime member of the R2 Builders Club and over the years have gotten to know every detail of R2's design.

Quick, list 5 things that are off with this product - you don't have to sort them into any particular order. ;)
You guys all know I've never been shy about being vocal when I feel Sideshow has dropped the ball.

Some of you also know I'm a longtime member of the R2 Builders Club and over the years have gotten to know every detail of R2's design. To date, I've built 4 of them. So I'm kinda like those Darth Vader and Stormtrooper diehards who go over those products with fine-toothed combs and calipers.

And I say.... this is a GREAT figure, and the best overall 1:6 R2-D2 yet, by far. It's also a very good value at its price in today's market.

In fact, this thing is much more accurate than the unfortunate 1:1 Fred Barton R2 that Sideshow once offered. And a little better than the PF in some respects.

Only the most cynical of buttheads among us would be disappointed in this figure.

Kudos, Sideshow! :clap

Thanks for your views on this, Carl. Looks outstanding to my untrained eye.... It's too bad this board has become such a haven for whiners over the years.
Quick, list 5 things that are off with this product - you don't have to sort them into any particular order. ;)

I could probably do that, but I'm not gonna*. There's no point, because the sum total is that this thing is an outstanding figure, and the best Artoo we've had so far. :) Seriously, even Hot Toys will have a hard time out-doing this one. I mean, they theoretically can but it'd probably be $250-$300. :p

*Maybe one day :lol
I know one thing that's off -- if you're counting only ANH -- and that's the red/blue blinking front light should be 2/3 red and 1/3 blue without changing colors.


Be curious what the other 4 things are in time, Carl. :lol
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And, trust me, I haven't been shy in pointing out how poopy the 1:1 R2-D2 was. But I was happy with the PF (1:4), and even happier with this one overall.
I know one thing that's off -- if you're counting only ANH -- and that's the red/blue blinking front light should be 2/3 red and 1/3 blue without changing colors.
Well, that (the Front PSI light) is actually one of the things that are different scene-to-scene in ANH, and even parts of TESB. ;)

EDITED TO ADD: This is also one of the things that Lucasfilm has decreed to be more idealized on approved R2 products, even straight ANH versions. That's why you'll almost always see the Red/Blue color change on these types of things. Similar with the Holoprojectors (HPs), which were trimmed in black on most of the ANH hero R2s, but the products are almost always straight Alu, like the TESB and ROTJ props.

Be curious what the other 4 things are in time, Carl. :lol

Deal. :lol :duff
I am impressed that Sideshow actually bothered to make the shoulder horseshoes removable so that people could decide for themselves which way they should go. That's something I would never have even considered, yet I know many here would have caught it.
I am impressed that Sideshow actually bothered to make the shoulder horseshoes removable so that people could decide for themselves which way they should go. That's something I would never have even considered, yet I know many here would have caught it.

Well you outdid me, I have no idea what you're talking about :lol :huh
I am impressed that Sideshow actually bothered to make the shoulder horseshoes removable so that people could decide for themselves which way they should go. That's something I would never have even considered, yet I know many here would have caught it.

It's neat from a geekness perspective, but at the time time, this kind of stuff bugs me. It shows that they had their faces pressed so far into the (some) details, they may have forgotten to step back and consider the big picture.