And with some Echo Base lighting. Looks more cold.
And with some Echo Base lighting. Looks more cold.
What is the alcohol treatment?
Basically it just involves using some isopropyl alcohol (maybe diluted a bit if you have a high %) on a cotton ball or q-tips in order to smear some of the uniform weathering on the dome. Most people have still left a lot of the grime on there and pushed it more toward the panels where it might build up more naturally. It brings out a bit more of the brightness on the dome and since it's pushing some of the weathering together it makes the grime darker, which improves the contrast. It's very easy to do and if you overdo it you just have a clean dome that needs to be weathered.
You can search the thread with either isopropyl or alcohol and probably find some much better instructions and see everyone's results from back when R2 first came out.
And it won't damage the plastic?
Nobody has reported any ill effects as far as I know. Others have used the alcohol on the body as well, which I believe is unpainted aside from the grime, but I only did it on the dome. I wiped it down with some water afterward.
Has anyone else's touch panel broken on this? It works to switch it on, but it won't switch to the other mode and won't switch off
And with some Echo Base lighting. Looks more cold.
Can anyone help with the touch panel issue I am having please?