Super Freak
I need to work on my Toht. I think with right type of paints, I can make the Sideshow coat look closer to leather. I also need to make the pinch considerably tighter.
I'm still hoping for pics of the new improved Toht.
I'll try to get them up tomorrow... Sorry about the laziness.
Does look alot better. In hand the color must be more off because the pics look OK.
Still being lazy, Flosi?
Yeah, what happened to all the pics you promised, Flosi?
I wouldn't mind seeing Toht with the Becker coat untreated just for poops and giggles.
Totally dropped the ball... Sorry 'bout that.
Flosi, you have failed me....
Come on, someone post Becker/Toht pics. Please.
I really want to see how he's improved or not. I'm planning to use Becker for my melty Toht head, but I might swap parts depending out what's the best.
I took a couple of pics the other day too.... So what combo are you looking to see, WG? I have the Toht setup on the melted face and the Becker with the regular sculpt.... Should I take pics of both?
Yes, absolutely. Thank you. No need to swap things around.
So is the Becker suit and stuff better for Toht reg and SS gear better for melty Toht?