Sideshow 1/6 ROTLA Toht image thread

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Glad to see Toht getting some attention again. Nice work, Mighty_Jabba. I agree that the eyes look a little too blue (almost purple blue), and the eyebrows could be softer. How about his glasses?

And Flosi, can't wait to see Toht in the DiD outfit!
ditto on seeing pics of Toht in the Did gear... I have been meaning on picking up one of the Did brand party lapel pins, as they look more realistic and in scale...
ditto on seeing pics of Toht in the Did gear... I have been meaning on picking up one of the Did brand party lapel pins, as they look more realistic and in scale...

That's the only item that I wanted but didn't get. Here's the auction pic:

I picked up the DID T. Becker coat from Toy Anxiety last week ($9!) and it does look pretty good. It's disappointingly brown (It's a dark brown, I suppose...and sometimes it even kind of looks grey, depends on the light...but make no mistake; It ain't black) yet it's so much nicer than Sideshow's version, I don't mind sacrificing a little screen-accuracy for the sake of a better looking figure.

This is a terrible pic, but at least you can sorta see how it fits...

That was my big question: is the coat black? And so... it is not. Too bad. What a great coat though, cut-wise.

Maybe shoe polish would do the trick? If it's dark brown enough a little shoe polish could turn the tide.
You would never be able to tell it's not black based on that pic. That DiD figure is great though. I wouldn't mind getting it just to have! If I would have bought the whole figure for the sake of giving the coat and clothes to Toht, that plan would have backfired because I probably would want to keep the figure intact once I got it in hand!
For my original Toht (2000), I had a dark brown overcoat that I literally painted black with acrylic paint. It dried fine, is pliable and is fine to the touch (not tacky) to this day 10 years later. Worse comes to worse, it's an option.
That was my big question: is the coat black? And so... it is not. Too bad. What a great coat though, cut-wise.

Maybe shoe polish would do the trick? If it's dark brown enough a little shoe polish could turn the tide.

I wonder if one of those sponger dispenser shoe polish bottles would work?


DO NOT USE SHOE POLISH ON YOUR FIGURES! It's a perpetual nightmare that won't end. :lol

Listen to Fisher. Either dye it (assuming it's real leather), or live with the brown.
It's so subjective, I can't even tell you. :eek:

I mean, when you have it in-hand, it's clearly not black. I mean, it's just not. But I kind of hesitate to call it "dark brown". It's weird. Brown seems to be the intended color (if nothing else, the buttons are brown...who'd put brown buttons on a black coat?) but it can look kind of grey, even a little green in some lighting conditions.

Either way, it's a dark leather overcoat. Dark enough to not bother me. I'm sure it could be "improved" with some shoe polish, but I think it's probably just fine as-is. I'm guessing Flosi might even back up that statement when his arrives.

Then again, if someone else tries the shoe polish (or whatever) with positive results, you best believe I'll be the next one in line to try it. :D