Sideshow 1/6 Terminator T-800 Image Thread

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Jedi_Mike said:
I'm fighting the temptation to go order this right now...

which one? this one? :confused:

Holy crap, this looks awesome!!!! Much better than the prototype IMO. I may have to crack and order this one along with the T-1000 once they hit in stock status at online retailers. So much for holding out for a battle damaged version...

Besides, with Sarah's poor sales, I think the T2 line may be down the drain. :monkey2
Sith Lord 0498 said:
Holy crap, this looks awesome!!!! Much better than the prototype IMO. I may have to crack and order this one along with the T-1000 once they hit in stock status at online retailers. So much for holding out for a battle damaged version...

Besides, with Sarah's poor sales, I think the T2 line may be down the drain. :monkey2

I agree that the T2 line is probably not going to continue. but honestly, after the 4 charcters in the movie, how many more figures could they possibly make
Sarah will become that much more collectible now. SSC mismanaged the Sarah Exclusive IMO, offering only 1 per customer and keeping it open ended for so long... then yesterday saying oh well, we'll close with an ES of 650. Should have closed it at 500 and opened the Sarah Reg when this was released. Remember Sarah was the top ordered pre-sale figure on the SSC charts for quite a while...

Plus the one year turnaround for the T2 figures really hurt the line, it was ridiculous when SW figs turn around in less than half that time...

When Hot Toys announces pre-orders for a fig, you know you'll get them within 6 months, this was painfully long...
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btw, head looks okay to me in most of those pics, just need to take in the shirt collar a bit to make it fit/look better.
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That's really awesome!!! Although I would've preferred gloved hands too. But by far one of the best figures they've ever done! Love the big body too!
I'm actually really impressed with this figure... the prototype shots looked a little iffy, but in hand hes a great Arnold. May eventually have to score one of these myself.
Looks great, so far. I can't wait for some clearer pics. It looks like he might need some cotton balls in his pants!
Shai Hulud said:

True, but Arnold had a big head, so that would have worked better for this figure.

Sculpt is awesome though. Andy will be missed.
Man, I wanted to buy into this line, but I had to cancel my pre-orders. Not enough money or space. Jabbajabbajabba.

I was looking forward to repainting/weathering T-800...

Oh well, maybe someday later.

He looks great!

The blog shows a Hot Toys Exoskeleton at the Sideshow booth. Hmmmm.
Yep, looks like the Endo will be coming to Sideshow afterall. I have to say he's a lot shinier than I expected!

Man, I have no will power! I had both on order and then I cancelled them because I had so much stuff coming. Guess what, now I am on the waitlist for both of them. Argh....I need to quit looking at these darn image threads!:emperor
I don't see the problem with his head. It's actually in scale. I hear CSM's is small, too. I have him and compared to an actual person (plus the actor(s)) they're correct. SSC should have all the heads around this size. There's also nothing wrong with the scale of Medicoms. Think if a real person had the head the size of the SW figures. They'd look almost like the 'Burger' King.:monkey4
Arnold looks great, glad I didn't cancel the Terminator figures. Head looks perfectly in scale to me, but pity that the sun glasses are to big. A shame they didn't fix that.
Hopefully SSC will distribute HT's Endo skeleton! I really want that version!!