Sideshow 1/6 Terminator T-800 Image Thread

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galactiboy said:
The Gatlin Gun looks like the one that came with the Hot Toys Battle Damaged T-800 from a couple years ago. Had the dufflebag and evertyhing.

I got one of those sitting ready. Now all I need is the grenade launcher and bandolier.
never flash camera-take a head, it brings out the colors at an equal tone,
teh paint app looks solid and nice tones under the cheeks.
and definately an unbelivable andy sculpt

p.s. the lipscould do some repainting after seeing the pics compared to the proto on sideshowtoy and this one.
they could be thinned out a bit and some heaver wash tones

but if you look at the pics here of the prototype, the arm on the right looks akward no? They definately could've made that a better realistic looking pose...sigh

galactiboy said:
Yep, looks like the Endo will be coming to Sideshow afterall. I have to say he's a lot shinier than I expected!

i saw the neca one, it looked pretty nice for an 18 inch one and it's pretty cheap

Alice Adrenochrome said:
Arnold looks great, glad I didn't cancel the Terminator figures. Head looks perfectly in scale to me, but pity that the sun glasses are to big. A shame they didn't fix that.
Hopefully SSC will distribute HT's Endo skeleton! I really want that version!!

sun glasses are an easy find on eBay lol
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:D :D :D


To me, the neck could stand being a bit larger. I think that would fix it, but not a big deal. I'm curious to see the paint ops in person, since I've yet to see a SS figure that didn't need a repaint. Doesn't appear to be too bad though. I've repainted around 20 or so including a 1/4 Van Helsing. I'm not in a class with Boot25, but there isn't one that doesn't look better than the factory jobs. Always my biggest complaint of SS figs. The best sculpts, but a dead pallorous color on the faces. My opinion anyway.
Thanks QQB, you are always one of the first to post decent pics of new figs... More please!

All I can say is...



and Andy did the T-1000 too! Can't Wait!
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with sunnies one looks okay...
without sunnie is a bit off ... still a nice figure at a good price...
leather jacket and pants could have used better materials
cant wait to pick one up to muck around with :chew
Alice Adrenochrome said:
I want that Endo, the sooner, the better!

Alice, I am pretty sure (have heard from other retailers) that SSC will carry the Endo's, I'm guessing it will be around 129.99.
customizerwannabe said:
To me, the neck could stand being a bit larger. I think that would fix it, but not a big deal. I'm curious to see the paint ops in person, since I've yet to see a SS figure that didn't need a repaint. Doesn't appear to be too bad though. I've repainted around 20 or so including a 1/4 Van Helsing. I'm not in a class with Boot25, but there isn't one that doesn't look better than the factory jobs. Always my biggest complaint of SS figs. The best sculpts, but a dead pallorous color on the faces. My opinion anyway.
not much to improve on this one though, i can see the tones and all.
maybe some on those lips though, but pretty much it
pjam said:
Alice, I am pretty sure (have heard from other retailers) that SSC will carry the Endo's, I'm guessing it will be around 129.99.
Can't wait! I've seen the Endo on a German retailer's web site a couple of days ago, but don't remember which. Heh, it'll be cheaper for me if I order it from SSC direct anyway (unbelievable, but true...)!
So what's the deal with these last few pics that QBB posted?

They seem to be the Sideshow version but repainted and with the glasses replaced (and much less accurate then the ones Sideshow provides I might add).

As for the pics that KamenGuyver posted, it looks like the "out-of-the-box version" though it appears that whoever took them swapped the shirt. The shirt looks like it has a tighter, more turtle-neck like look when it's actually in the box then all the pics after the "shirtless" shot (assuming they're sequential) seems to be a different shirt entirely, with a shorter, looser-fitting neck.

In all three cases (paint apps, provided sunglasses and provided shirt) I think the photographers/customizers made the wrong call and I prefer the way the figure looks straight out of the package.

Anyways, here's another pic from that thread:


PS: am I the only one that got my notice for the T-1000? It was the 12-15 notice on January 11. Someone started a thread when the T-800 notices began but I don't think I've seen anyone mention the T-1000 ones.
You'd think that with a year in the works, they would have make the sunglasses too scale.

Yep EF, many collectors pointed this out LAST year in the SSC site comments section when this figure was announced, pleading for them to make sure it was corrected. Result, nothing. When SW collectors pointed out Plo Koon's sabre was the wrong color, it was corrected within days and pics were reposted.

Fortunately replacing sunglasses is a minor thing... :D
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