Sideshow 1/6 Terminator T-800 Image Thread

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I cancelled my pre-orders for the Terminator's a while ago. I'm really sorry I did now after looking at the pics of the actual figure. It looks very nicely done which is something I can't say about every SSC figure I've recieved recently. I'll have to pick up the non exclusive versions now I guess.
True, but Arnold had a big head, so that would have worked better for this figure.

Sculpt is awesome though. Andy will be missed.

I'm inclined to agree with Evil here. It's a great Andy sculpt but the head looks too small in proportion with the body. I'd love to do a mod with a Hot Toys muscle body though.
some new pics ~




Thanks again kg, shades look a little better in those shots but they are a bit big, as they were in the proto shots. Where did (brucepan) he get the gatlin gun?
pjam said:
Thanks again kg, shades look a little better in those shots but they are a bit big, as they were in the proto shots. Where did (brucepan) he get the gatlin gun?

My pleasure :D

He said that mini-gun is from Hot Toys, but I am not sure. I ever saw it on ebay from time to time.
Thanks kg, yeah, it looks like a HT piece...

This is AN EXCELLENT REPRESENTATION OF A MOVIE FIG IMO, one of the best I've ever seen from SSC. Andy's sculpt is just so amazing ( I remember when they posted it in the blogs) and may be the best yet of Ahnuld, looks like he was plucked right out of the film.
so this'll be my 1st Terminator fig. do u guys think this is the best one out there, or is there a btter version? say Popsalute or HT?
HT sculpt isn't Arnuld, popsalute is much closer and comes with a lot of stuff but it is a T3 fig, this is a T2.
Shai Hulud said:

if the shirt wasn't a turtleneck, and if the jacket wasn't so bulky looking, his head size would probably be OK, but since it's almost impossible to get lifesize fabric to lay properly in 1/6th scale, the head probably needs to be a little bigger to balance things out.

this sideshow figure looks disapointing to me. i've seen better custom this one:


notice how the head looks better, and the clothes and glasses seem to fit better? sideshow's version looks like arnold is wearing clothes and glasses way too big for him.
You mean like this one? :D


You can always compare customs to mass produced figures, I don't think it's a fair comparison...this is like $45 and has a superior sculpt.
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HT Terminator is a awesome figure and comes with all the great weapons and THE best 1/6 biker jacket. And you can't forget about the gargoyl (sp?) shades. He is my favorite figure.

Pops Terminator has a good sculpt, but the head is a bit small and the body sucks nuts. But the outfit and accessories are nice. I put mine on a HT body and it made him sooo much better.
The HT BD Terminator IS great. I don't care for the Pop version much.

This SS Arnold will require some futzing to get him to look as good as the HT. His leathers do look a bit ill-fitting, but I plan on "stuffing" him a bit to make him look thicker so the looser clothing will allow for that. I may also swap out a better t-shirt (one with a smaller collar). Of course, until its in hand its always hard to tell. But this sculpt is terrific -- best Arnold ever. And the sculpt is the most important part. I think I can make this guy look as good as the HT with a little work.
captain sack said:
if the shirt wasn't a turtleneck, and if the jacket wasn't so bulky looking, his head size would probably be OK, but since it's almost impossible to get lifesize fabric to lay properly in 1/6th scale, the head probably needs to be a little bigger to balance things out.

this sideshow figure looks disapointing to me. i've seen better custom this one:


notice how the head looks better, and the clothes and glasses seem to fit better? sideshow's version looks like arnold is wearing clothes and glasses way too big for him.
Sorry dude, but his head is to big. SSC's proportions are much better; more realistic!
Wor-Gar said:
The HT BD Terminator IS great. I don't care for the Pop version much.

This SS Arnold will require some futzing to get him to look as good as the HT. His leathers do look a bit ill-fitting, but I plan on "stuffing" him a bit to make him look thicker so the looser clothing will allow for that. I may also swap out a better t-shirt (one with a smaller collar). Of course, until its in hand its always hard to tell. But this sculpt is terrific -- best Arnold ever. And the sculpt is the most important part. I think I can make this guy look as good as the HT with a little work.

I think so. It will be interesting to see this AB Sculpt swapped onto the HT BD T 800 too! That may be the ultimate T 800.
The Gatlin Gun looks like the one that came with the Hot Toys Battle Damaged T-800 from a couple years ago. Had the dufflebag and evertyhing.
I can not wait to get my hands on these. I have been Jonesing for decent T2 figures since the movie's release. Sideshow's T-800 may not be perfect but it's pretty awesome in my book. Beats the hell out of that crappy Kenner T3D figure. No way I can cancel this or the T-1000. Plus the Sara exclusive is such a low number. Got to have these. Did I mention I have to have these? :D
I just removed the electronics from my old Kenner Ultimate Terminator and I'm going to try to mod the Sideshow figure so that he talks and says "I'll be back." and "Hasta la vista, baby."

Now, if only I had one for ED-209...
dekadentdave said:
I just removed the electronics from my old Kenner Ultimate Terminator and I'm going to try to mod the Sideshow figure so that he talks and says "I'll be back." and "Hasta la vista, baby."

Now, if only I had one for ED-209...

Hell Yeah! :rock