Sideshow 1/6 Terminator T-800 Image Thread

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grangewallis said:
Sorry guys, I'm located in Australia and want to get a Fat Boy, is there any online retailers? Who makes them, maybe I could find a locate supplier... Also whilst on the subject of the extra weapons, where can I get the gernade launcher, mini gun/canon? and gernade belt?...
Sorry for being behide on the times....

For the Grenade Launcher I went with a Hot Toys M79 from this seller:

Hot Toys M79

For the mini gun, most here including me use the one that comes with the Hot Toys Battle Damaged T-800. It usually goes for 30-40 dollars alone on ebay, that's not even including the kit bag.

As for the Grenade belt, that can be a tough one to find. I bought two of these for a good price from this seller:

BBI Grenade Belt

It not entirely screen accurate, but with some slight work with a exacto knife, and some black paint it can be very close:






I just basically trimmed the ends off, which was very easy with a sharp exacto knife, as the material is made of rubber.
Went ahead and ordered the T-800 excl. second chance from SS today. I figure he'll look good next to my HT Endo. Plus It only cost me about $6, since I used some of my reward points on it, all I had to pay was shipping:D
Looks phenomenal QQB! I love your repaint, and where did you get those new glasses?
QQB said:

HT body me feel better!

Looks great... I'm coming to a sad relisation *Cancel or Allow?* That the Sideshow body, as much as I love the forearm and wrist articulation aren't cutting it anymore nor to they fit-out the clothing they wear... I mean every figure I get, I have you put tissue paper in it's pants to make them fall right... I wish they'd launch a new body already!
:monkey2 :monkey2 :monkey2 :monkey2 :monkey2 :monkey2 :monkey2 :monkey2
Looks good on that body but those shades look all wrong. They look like Sonny Crockett's Raybans.
Actually, to me that body seems almost too bulky, Arnold didn't look like he was overly muscular/bulky in T2, he almost looked like just a thicker, tall dude, but still cool looking, nice work.
Are you saying the HT body is thicker than the Big Boy? Because it isn't. It fits Arnolds bodytype fine for Terminator. I'll post some new pics of mine sooon.
Are you saying the HT body is thicker than the Big Boy? Because it isn't. It fits Arnolds bodytype fine for Terminator. I'll post some new pics of mine sooon.
No... You'll post them now!!!

Now dance you doodied-up egg sucking gutter-trash!*Bang! Bang! Bang!*

PS: I'd love Back to the future figures, In all there different era costumes... Mad-Dog!
Sure, QQB's shades aren't accurate, but neither are Sideshows! And QQB's shades look like they fit better too. I prefer the Arnold from the original Terminator, and he was still pretty buff back then, so the body looks great.
Are you saying the HT body is thicker than the Big Boy? Because it isn't. It fits Arnolds bodytype fine for Terminator. I'll post some new pics of mine sooon.

Maybe it's just the image, I'm not sure if it looks thicker, but in that image something is going on that makes him seem to thick bodied to me, but maybe a full body image or other angles might look different.
For those who have swapped to a Hot Toys body, did you use the New Generation Life body? If so, which one? the white or asian?

I take it the Sideshow Arnie head must be glued on the NGL neck adapter, that is suppled with the NGL body? Can you still move the head around? Thanks

Btw, if anyone is still looking for a grenade banodier. This seller has three that are very close to screen acurate, only requiring to cut the small little flaps on the pouches:

Grenade Bandolier w/grenades
Asian version. Yes you glue the head, but it is just to the neckpeg, has full motion.

But I guess I can throw a quick pic up. This is SS head on a HT Generation body with Saturday Toys Biker Fashion Set leathers on, and they blow everything else away, top notch and well worth the money. He has the SS boots, but they are too small and I've since swapped them with the Pops T3 boots.

Oh and the Pops T3 figure looks like crap compared to T1 and T2 figures, even on a HT body. I'm keepig the head, boots, shades and weapons and ditching the rest.

****ty Cellphone Picture Warning Till I Get My Good Camera Back.

Asian version. Yes you glue the head, but it is just to the neckpeg, has full motion.

But I guess I can throw a quick pic up. This is SS head on a HT Generation body with Saturday Toys Biker Fashion Set leathers on, and they blow everything else away, top notch and well worth the money. He has the SS boots, but they are too small and I've since swapped them with the Pops T3 boots.

Oh and the Pops T3 figure looks like crap compared to T1 and T2 figures, even on a HT body. I'm keepig the head, boots, shades and weapons and ditching the rest.

****ty Cellphone Picture Warning Till I Get My Good Camera Back.

Where did you get the Saturday Toys biker set from, if you don't mind sharing?
Dave got it. It is friggin nice set. Same jacket that is with HT T1, but is not weathered. Pants have the T3 seams in them, but look and fit awesome. The gray shirt is the sleevless from T1 and the black shirt is nice, but has ghey "I'll be back" on the front, I have mine turned around. Just need to find a nice brown belt.