Super Freak
Gonna need a couple for sure & a good excuse to make some fake rocks
Gonna need a couple for sure & a good excuse to make some fake rocks
The Tusken Raiders is a great name for a hockey team.
Well, first one I'll actually be getting with an exclusive. I picked-up Greedo and Hammerhead (along with cantina table/chairs set) locally because even for bit parts those two always had big roles in my imagination as a kid. Then I broke down and pre-ordered Bespin Luke (so I guess that is my first exclusive, come to think of it...) and Boba Fett and put IG-88 on flex, so I'm already pretty deep into this but I've sort of convinced myself that it's OK as I'm in catch-up mode and things will slow down considerably once the pre-orders and flex stuff is out of the way. I've sworn off the dewback and Sandtrooper (definitely one of the nicest pieces Sideshow's done, though) but think I will pick up the cantina environment when it's released in the summer, assuming someone local carries it. Definitely don't want to pay shipping and all the other extras on a big piece like that.
Already display is becoming a bit of a concern, though. 12" with environments/vehicles really does present some issues. One of the things I was thinking about was not displaying everything at once. Think I'd be OK once enough stuff is released to rotate displays between having one or two environments and related figures on display, so alternate between Tattooine/Hoth and Bespin or something along those lines. We're going to be moving in the next year or two so I may get more space, but also sort of concerned as someone else mentioned in another thread about Star Wars kind of overwhelming the space and it becoming like a shrine or something... Plus, there's always my wife to consider, lol, she's pretty good but don't wanna push it!
In regards to other lines, although I'm a huge Marvel fan, the 12" line doesn't appeal to me too much, so I'm lucky there. Could see picking up a 1:6 Dr. Doom for my desk or something, but it would begin and end there. Actually quite like them in the 3 3/4" line as they seem to work better for me on display as the colours are super bright and stand out, and they're just a bit bigger in stature than my SW stuff.
Yep, definitely. Please don't mess that up, Sideshow!
Yeah, the 3 3/4" was sort of the gateway drug but I've sworn them off in favour of getting a few SSC/HT pieces in lieu of tons of Hasbro. Although the detail and accuracy are great, especially in comparison to what I grew up with, in the end they're too small and I don't get a lot out of looking at them anymore loose. I never got too crazy into them, maybe 20 or so of the Vintage carded figures, so will either keep them around or maybe just sell them as a lot in order to clear them out.
Haha, I laughed out loud when I read that. Always liked that line!
Think you're better off to just fork over the cash for the exclusive, honestly. Although I get why people buy and part stuff out over e.Bay, I kinda resent it too in a way. I'd rather pay Sideshow than someone preying on collectors or just not buy the exclusive. The prices being asked for the IG-88 exclusive were just ridiculous, IMO, and kind of soured me on people that buy exclusives only to try and sell for a huge mark-up.
Pfft. Some SW fan. I remember seeing the weapon in ANH when I was 6 years old.
Does anyone have the old Star Wars Storybook? I think it had an un-cropped version of this pic in it:
And if I recall, you can see the third Gaffi in that pic as well on the last Tusken on the right. Can someone find it and upload that shot please? I can't find my copy!![]()
Pfft. Some SW fan. I remember seeing the weapon in ANH when I was 6 years old.
It took a GI Joe guy to come in here and bust some heads.![]()
Pffft. Some Star Wars fan checker. Every self-respecting Star Wars fan knows that there is no such thing as "A New Hope".
I was going to let EF's fail slide, but I felt challenged by this comment.
The SW SB pic...
Ah! THANKS! My memory was good enough to remember where I saw that pic, but didn't remember you couldn't see the third gaffi. Ah well. Many thanks for that pic!That storybook is burned into my brain with all the HOURS spent staring at it when I was a kid.
Where do you live? Are shipping costs that big a concern?
Yeah, it can take up a lot of room, that's for sure. If you have a dedicated space to display everything it makes things much easier.
Greedo, Hammerhead and IG-88 are all GREAT figures and some of SS's very best. Let's hope Luke, Boba Fett and the Tusken Raider end up being as cool too.![]()
Exclusive weapons from actual movie is cool, IMO
I'm in Alberta, Canada, so shipping/duties and brokerage would not be such a concern if it was just for say one specific item. Over time it adds a pretty big premium to every purchase, especially something like Chalmun's Cantina (17 pounds shipping weight and fairly large -- not to mention possibility of it arriving damaged and having to ship it back). I could count on at least another $75.00 to $100.00 on top of the $250.00 if I buy direct from Sideshow, so only way I can justify the already high price is if one of the ADs around here brings it in and absorbs most of the expense (I might pay $15.00 or $20.00 over SSC's price if I buy locally).
Yep, really happy with Greedo and Hammerhead, SSC did a great job with them and I can't see needing more detailed versions in future, so I felt pretty confident picking them up. Looking forward to IG-88 arriving in May, sometime. They really did an outstanding job on both him and the light-up base. Looking forward to seeing Bossk.
I'm looking forward to Bossk too. I'm wondering what we'll see at SDCC now... Hoth? Landspeeder? ESB/ROTJ Vader? Hell, a second HT SW DX might debut there too.... Anyway, it's a good time to get started with your collection, Sol.:
I bet we see ESB Vader (ROTJ), Probe Droid, Snow Troopers with that canon, Tauntaun, Hoth Han, Bossk, and at least one other bounty hunter.
I'm looking forward to Bossk too. I'm wondering what we'll see at SDCC now... Hoth? Landspeeder? ESB/ROTJ Vader? Hell, a second HT SW DX might debut there too.... Anyway, it's a good time to get started with your collection, Sol.:
That would be a HUGE load of new stuff... Last year was what? Boba Fett, Ig-88, Dewback and a bunch of PT crap I can care less about?![]()
It was a good fluke that I decided to google some stuff up and came across SSC's IG-88 and HT Bespin Luke, that was the beginning of the end for me. Yep, lots of stuff to look forward to with SDCC (much as I love the landspeeder -- my first SW vehicle -- really hoping to see some Hoth and Bespin stuff). Thanks for the advice and warm welcome, too.:
PS - I wouldn't change your avatar just yet to the Tusken, at least not until you can get as good a combo going as you have now with "scruffy lookin'" Han and your banner. I'd never seen that pic before coming to these forums and just think it nails Harrison Ford's personality better than almost anything I've seen prior.