Thank you, Sol.

This will be your first SS SW figure? It can get out of hand quickly and I've seen LOTS of people go overboard right off the bat, myself included, so if I can give a little advice it would be to stick with what you really love. It's easy to go from Star Wars to Batman to Marvel etc., not that there's anything wrong with that but it's not a bad idea to start slowly.
Well, first one I'll actually be getting with an exclusive. I picked-up Greedo and Hammerhead (along with cantina table/chairs set) locally because even for bit parts those two always had big roles in my imagination as a kid. Then I broke down and pre-ordered Bespin Luke (so I guess that is my first exclusive, come to think of it...) and Boba Fett and put IG-88 on flex, so I'm already pretty deep into this but I've sort of convinced myself that it's OK as I'm in catch-up mode and things will slow down considerably once the pre-orders and flex stuff is out of the way. I've sworn off the dewback and Sandtrooper (definitely one of the nicest pieces Sideshow's done, though) but think I will pick up the cantina environment when it's released in the summer, assuming someone local carries it. Definitely don't want to pay shipping and all the other extras on a big piece like that.
Already display is becoming a bit of a concern, though. 12" with environments/vehicles really does present some issues. One of the things I was thinking about was not displaying everything at once. Think I'd be OK once enough stuff is released to rotate displays between having one or two environments and related figures on display, so alternate between Tattooine/Hoth and Bespin or something along those lines. We're going to be moving in the next year or two so I may get more space, but also sort of concerned as someone else mentioned in another thread about Star Wars kind of overwhelming the space and it becoming like a shrine or something... Plus, there's always my wife to consider, lol, she's pretty good but don't wanna push it!
In regards to other lines, although I'm a huge Marvel fan, the 12" line doesn't appeal to me too much, so I'm lucky there. Could see picking up a 1:6 Dr. Doom for my desk or something, but it would begin and end there. Actually quite like them in the 3 3/4" line as they seem to work better for me on display as the colours are super bright and stand out, and they're just a bit bigger in stature than my SW stuff.
FLOSI said:

Fabric is a HUGE deal with this figure. The hang, the texture, the weathering, etc.
Yep, definitely. Please don't mess that up, Sideshow!
He is right about the it getting out of hand. I order one item, before it came I order Rex then, the rest of the clones and commanders. That week off of eBay I got 10 Droids. This does not count what I have that I am paying off. Only I stop myself at Starwars. WarHammer is very hard for me not to order.
On a side note, I also collect the 3.5 ones. The price went up on those. Today I passed on a number of them. Really last year they where $6.98 today $8.98
Yeah, the 3 3/4" was sort of the gateway drug but I've sworn them off in favour of getting a few SSC/HT pieces in lieu of tons of Hasbro. Although the detail and accuracy are great, especially in comparison to what I grew up with, in the end they're too small and I don't get a lot out of looking at them anymore loose. I never got too crazy into them, maybe 20 or so of the Vintage carded figures, so will either keep them around or maybe just sell them as a lot in order to clear them out.
[Uncle Owen voice]Well, Sideshow better have those units with the right fabric by shipping or there'll be hell to pay.[/Uncle Owen voice]
Haha, I laughed out loud when I read that. Always liked that line!
I love the ex, but I'll pass in order to get the figure through an etailer and save 13 bucks.
Hmm. On the other hand, I suppose I'm paying $13 for that extra Gaffi stick. It would definitely go for more than that if it was being parted out. I may have to rethink this...
Think you're better off to just fork over the cash for the exclusive, honestly. Although I get why people buy and part stuff out over e.Bay, I kinda resent it too in a way. I'd rather pay Sideshow than someone preying on collectors or just not buy the exclusive. The prices being asked for the IG-88 exclusive were just ridiculous, IMO, and kind of soured me on people that buy exclusives only to try and sell for a huge mark-up.