Sideshow 12" Stormtrooper PICTURE THREAD

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Anyone think its possible to hollow the helmet out and make a reveal style helmet?

Certainly possible to hollow it out but I dunno if it would fit over the head properly such as Luke's hair. Also, not sure how evenly it would sit on the head though perhaps that could be adjusted with a bit of foam inside?
Not a huge deal, but has anyone noticed little scuff marks on the backside of the armor from where the rear cylinder clips onto the belt? It seems that the metal prongs leave really light, faint gray lines along the white armor plate if it moves around too much.

Anyone else have this or am I the only one who moved my belt around too much?

Think the future floor wax will prevent these kind of little marks?

I'm seeing the same thing on mine. Perhaps it would be a good rule of thumb to place the cylinder on the belt after posing? The hard part is it's almost impossible to put him down! I have yet to try but I wonder if wiping it off with a damp cloth would get any of that off?

So I took out my Marmit Stormtrooper (he's been relegated to the closet due to lack of space) and like I said yesterday in a posting, I think Sideshow produced a better all around figure. Marmit really has the proportions down but when it comes to overall quality as well as filling the basic needs of an "action figure" (detail, pose-ability, and overall coolness) I think Sideshow has them beat. Still, it's apples and oranges. Both are great for so many reasons. :cool:
Certainly possible to hollow it out but I dunno if it would fit over the head properly such as Luke's hair. Also, not sure how evenly it would sit on the head though perhaps that could be adjusted with a bit of foam inside?

Clearly the helmet was made in 3 pieces. I think it might be possible and as you say, maybe a bit of foam to make sure it sits solid on a head sculpt.
Not a huge deal, but has anyone noticed little scuff marks on the backside of the armor from where the rear cylinder clips onto the belt? It seems that the metal prongs leave really light, faint gray lines along the white armor plate if it moves around too much.

Anyone else have this or am I the only one who moved my belt around too much?

Think the future floor wax will prevent these kind of little marks?

Use Magic Eraser by Mr. Clean to erase those marks. It is completely safe for your figure and it works great without any force and scratching.

Anyway, here's a picture of mine with the corrected chest piece using the boiling water re-shaping method (I don't like using the blow dryer). I also used vinyl foam weather seal strips inside the leg/calf armor to make it fit better and get rid of the looseness.

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Rismo's velcro trick really does add a lot -- also helps keep the chest armor from rattling around when you pick up the figure. Finally have a sturdy place to lift from.
Rismo's velcro trick really does add a lot -- also helps keep the chest armor from rattling around when you pick up the figure. Finally have a sturdy place to lift from. use of velcro for a 1/6th in years...........:lol
funny though...........i have the velcro waiting but no figure in hand.........:monkey4
I think this figure CAN look great....needs some work. I like it but, much like clone obi, he feels cheap and the body on both of mine are wayyyyyy too loose. One can't even stand up on its own AT ALL. If this is what 3 years of R&D from SSC's engineers gets you, then they need to find some new engineers. Also disappointed that they didn't even bother to put any paint on the exclusive pistol. Kinda cheap...they usually do an awesome job on weapons like the rifle. The exclusive looks like something Hasbro sold to em and said, "hey! Use this as the exclusive!"

I never liked the buck for most figures...starting to believe SSC put just as much effort into the armor pro and the regular pro as they did with that body.

On the positive side, they knocked the ball out the friggin park with this helmet!:chew:chew:chew:chew
This helmet is the best I've seen. I love the fact that they cut out the holes for the black dents in the "teeth". To my knowledge, no other company has produced this in this way (keep in mind I don't own or have never personally seen a marmit). Kudos and hats off to SSC for the work they put into this helmet. It blows the medi one out the water by a mile....just wish the rest of the trooper did as well.:monkey2:monkey2:monkey2

Glad I kept this figure but I gotta get to work on it...3 years of planning and developement, a $30 price hike and I have to get to work on it.

Can someone direct me to the tutorial on the boil method for the armor? Thanks
ROTJ Stormtroopers look pretty bad. At least in this photo... I'll stick with ANH and ESB troopers, thanks.

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Nah i think the ROTJ troopers looked more mean looking then the other versions but, they got their butts wiped by Ewoks so, i think that adds to the fact they are less liked..i liked the design of the helmet and the shoulder bells are longer and bigger i think.
I like it but, much like clone obi, he feels cheap and the body on both of mine are wayyyyyy too loose. One can't even stand up on its own AT ALL.

I believe that someone posted a few pages back that if you strip all the gear off the body you will find the joints are held together with screws which can be tightened, thus tightening the joints. This does not however work with the ankle joints, only the body joints so not sure if that will help in your situation or not. It could help with the knees though.
I think this figure CAN look great....needs some work. I like it but, much like clone obi, he feels cheap and the body on both of mine are wayyyyyy too loose. One can't even stand up on its own AT ALL. If this is what 3 years of R&D from SSC's engineers gets you, then they need to find some new engineers. Also disappointed that they didn't even bother to put any paint on the exclusive pistol. Kinda cheap...they usually do an awesome job on weapons like the rifle. The exclusive looks like something Hasbro sold to em and said, "hey! Use this as the exclusive!"

I never liked the buck for most figures...starting to believe SSC put just as much effort into the armor pro and the regular pro as they did with that body.

On the positive side, they knocked the ball out the friggin park with this helmet!:chew:chew:chew:chew
This helmet is the best I've seen. I love the fact that they cut out the holes for the black dents in the "teeth". To my knowledge, no other company has produced this in this way (keep in mind I don't own or have never personally seen a marmit). Kudos and hats off to SSC for the work they put into this helmet. It blows the medi one out the water by a mile....just wish the rest of the trooper did as well.:monkey2:monkey2:monkey2

Glad I kept this figure but I gotta get to work on it...3 years of planning and developement, a $30 price hike and I have to get to work on it.

Can someone direct me to the tutorial on the boil method for the armor? Thanks

Gotta second my bro on this one. Cant believe how loose these bodies are! Im tempted to add marionette strings to one of 'em because he damn sure is not an action figure, but might be SS's cruel homage to the Pinochio anniversary! Im sure SS cannot please everyone, me included, and the anticipation for this figure is arguably the highest of any they've done, but it seems like they sure could have done more to make sure this turned out more perfect than any of their competitors, and I say this stricly as "out of box" product. But they HAD to see these things when they recieved their production samples. I know, I know, it's fixable, but damn, WHY???? Why do we have to fix these things? And for anybody that is on the "it's a production piece" philosophy, I submit this: What widget companies are in business that make bad widgets? If they are truly bland production pieces and not the meticulous semi-custom "museum quality" pieces we are paying for, then why is the QC so bad?????
I love SS to death, but all this work is friggin KILLIN me! Money is too hard to come by for this and I aint feeling the love from SS. Will be doin the heat treatment and maybe the Future for the "eyes", but man this has gotta get better.
Other than that, thanks for the cool figures, SS, but I might be sending one back to ya cause it's just too friggin loose! :crying
Gotta second my bro on this one. Cant believe how loose these bodies are! Im tempted to add marionette strings to one of 'em because he damn sure is not an action figure, but might be SS's cruel homage to the Pinochio anniversary! Im sure SS cannot please everyone, me included, and the anticipation for this figure is arguably the highest of any they've done, but it seems like they sure could have done more to make sure this turned out more perfect than any of their competitors, and I say this stricly as "out of box" product. But they HAD to see these things when they recieved their production samples. I know, I know, it's fixable, but damn, WHY???? Why do we have to fix these things? And for anybody that is on the "it's a production piece" philosophy, I submit this: What widget companies are in business that make bad widgets? If they are truly bland production pieces and not the meticulous semi-custom "museum quality" pieces we are paying for, then why is the QC so bad?????
I love SS to death, but all this work is friggin KILLIN me! Money is too hard to come by for this and I aint feeling the love from SS. Will be doin the heat treatment and maybe the Future for the "eyes", but man this has gotta get better.
Other than that, thanks for the cool figures, SS, but I might be sending one back to ya cause it's just too friggin loose! :crying

You must be as unlucky as you are emotional. Both my Stormtrooper and Clonobi were great...
You must be as unlucky as you are emotional. Both my Stormtrooper and Clonobi were great...

Well, maybe we are unlucky but I've had 0 QC issues with my HT figs.

So far, both the hobbits were loose (could stand and pose but not what they should or could be), clone obi was loose (same can be said for him) and one exclusive stormie was loose but could stand (had to glue one shoulder strap and hand armor back on upon removing him from his box...not to mention the box's magnets are mis-aligned and it doesn't close) and the other stormie while only having the crappy chest armor is so loose he can not even stand straight up without falling over!!!:banghead:banghead:banghead

And thanks to the poster who mentioned the body screws but unfortunatly like you mentioned, it lends little help to the horrible ankle design. I think this design works for wrist good enough but I think it is impracticle for ankles. All the twisting this way to get a wide stance, then twisting it back for a lunging pose just irks me to death. Maybe I'm being picky but these would be a much greater joy to pose if they had universal ball joints for ankles...not to mention (again!) the loose friggin joints.

As mentioned, the engineers should go back and re-evaluate some things and SSC needs to put their foot up someone's arse at their manufacturing plant regarding the QC on the bodies.

These things cost too much for so much tweaking...imho.:confused:
Well, maybe we are unlucky but I've had 0 QC issues with my HT figs.

So far, both the hobbits were loose (could stand and pose but not what they should or could be), clone obi was loose (same can be said for him) and one exclusive stormie was loose but could stand (had to glue one shoulder strap and hand armor back on upon removing him from his box...not to mention the box's magnets are mis-aligned and it doesn't close) and the other stormie while only having the crappy chest armor is so loose he can not even stand straight up without falling over!!!:banghead:banghead:banghead

And thanks to the poster who mentioned the body screws but unfortunatly like you mentioned, it lends little help to the horrible ankle design. I think this design works for wrist good enough but I think it is impracticle for ankles. All the twisting this way to get a wide stance, then twisting it back for a lunging pose just irks me to death. Maybe I'm being picky but these would be a much greater joy to pose if they had universal ball joints for ankles...not to mention (again!) the loose friggin joints.

As mentioned, the engineers should go back and re-evaluate some things and SSC needs to put their foot up someone's arse at their manufacturing plant regarding the QC on the bodies.

These things cost too much for so much tweaking...imho.:confused:

Did you forget that HotToys co-engineered both the Hobbit AND armored bodies? That's why their logo is on the box for both. And how long has HT been using the TrueType design? Their first few offerings on that body had very similar QC issues and given they don't have the huge library of releases Sideshow does, that gives them more space between releases to fix things. I've seen improvements with both the armored body AND the Prometheus (both Sam and Frodo were from the same run of bodies so that doesn't really count) since they first hit the market. Improvement's forthcoming but I guarantee the same people whining about these issues would be impatiently whining more if Sideshow delayed the items considerably to fix all the issues. There has to be a balance between the two, which unfortunately means we're seeing little tweaks made here and there, but at least we're still getting our figures sooner than later.
Did you forget that HotToys co-engineered both the Hobbit AND armored bodies? That's why their logo is on the box for both. And how long has HT been using the TrueType design? Their first few offerings on that body had very similar QC issues and given they don't have the huge library of releases Sideshow does, that gives them more space between releases to fix things. I've seen improvements with both the armored body AND the Prometheus (both Sam and Frodo were from the same run of bodies so that doesn't really count) since they first hit the market. Improvement's forthcoming but I guarantee the same people whining about these issues would be impatiently whining more if Sideshow delayed the items considerably to fix all the issues. There has to be a balance between the two, which unfortunately means we're seeing little tweaks made here and there, but at least we're still getting our figures sooner than later.

:lecture :lecture :lecture