I don't care for the print. It doesn't look like Adam's work, IMO. It looks more like Allison's work...

I don't care for the print. It doesn't look like Adam's work, IMO. It looks more like Allison's work...
I don't care for the print. It doesn't look like Adam's work, IMO. It looks more like Allison's work.
I'm wondering, do you think someone somewhere said, "Well, we're really screwing the exclusive collectors by limiting the print so much. Maybe we should do a very lackluster print, so that they don't feel so bad?"
(waits patiently for the Saffron response that I'm being rude, and her defense that it is absolutely Adam's work) I mean, my wife would NEVER help me out if I was busy, especially if she was in the exact same field as myself..
I'm going to go ahead and respond to Allison's eventual reply. You need to get used to the fact that people are going to post their opinions on forums, and you shouldn't feel the need to rush in and defend Adam (or yourself) every time it happens.
I know what your talking about since I read your comment on the "Art Appreciation" thread and I can tell you that the print is something Adam would do. He was just trying something different than what he normally does. He tried something different for the She Hulk print as well. Some liked it, and some didnt.
Everyone needs to relax and use the Shake Weight.![]()
Where did I have a comment? LOL! My memory is like a sieve, but I think you need to check your facts.
I don't come here to be insulted, but to provide Adam's fans and the statue collectors with what info I can, and maybe some insight to the process. My day would be a lot easier if I didn't have to deal with this; and the truth is I don't have to deal with it, but choose to.
Reading insults to Adam, and now to my own "amateur" art styling is really not how I like to spend my time online. I'm seriously re-thinking the need for me to be posting here.
The problem with you, madam, is that you take everything as an insult. You say that art is something which can be liked or disliked, something that can be discussed....but everytime you read a critic which may not suit you, you get mad at that person.
any word on when the Scarlett Witch is shipping?
I have just read the last 10 pages of this thread (work is slow)
All who don't like it, i just don't know what to say....This isn't the first time he's used this style!
The Print is Fantastic!!! but...
To each his own. I am a HUGE fan of Adam Hughes, and wil never get to meet him in person or ever own a Custom Sketch by him (that wold be my Grail) since i don't get the oppourtunity to travel to the U.S. cons.
I have a good friend in the industry who has met him multiple times and has many custom sketches by Adam and he has nothing but Great words to say about Adam himself, personality, and his work ethic.
Love the Print!!
Wrong thread. lol
I like this one too..
Need to pick one up..
*savors another "moment"*
Are these prints even in hand yet or are people basing this off of an online photo?