Art, by its very nature, is subject to being liked or disliked. Not everyone is going to like the same things, and we've seen that played out on EVERY statue and with every print. And that's cool; art allows for us to have opinions and discussions of its merit and worth. What isn't cool is people being rude, which these discussions always seem to devolve into.
NO, Adam wasn't "being lazy". That statement is tremendously rude. If you look over his 2+ decades of work, I don't know that there's any merit to that statement. You can not like the art without making assumptions about how much work the artist did or did not put into it.
Adam was doing something different, just as someone pointed out, he did with his She-Hulk litho art. She-Hulk was a riff on the old Saturday Evening Post cover art. Mystique, Adam felt was suited to the 1950's and 1960's pulp covers genre, so he made an attempt to create an image that fit within that genre. Adam does comic book art every day, non-stop. When an opportunity presents itself to create something outside that genre, he's going to take it. And Sideshow is a creative environment which allows Adam that sort of artistic freedom. Maybe its not everyone's cup of tea, and maybe you are disappointed. But it doesn't make Adam a bad artist or a lazy one; it just means this particular piece of his work is not one that you feel you will enjoy owning. So leave it at that.
Some other examples of pulp cover art that may help you have a better understanding of the genre style Adam was working towards: