Sideshow/ AH Mystique Comiquette

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Great opinions on the art so's interesting to see everyone views. (After all isn't that what art is about). I personally think the print is one of the best I've seen among the AH SS prints. I'm just dissaointed I couldn't get the exclusive version to get a copy of the print.

sounds like there may be a few people here willing to part with their prints; you may not have a problem getting one!
When I look at the print I think Venture Bros. for some reason. I actually like the print better than the statue.:wacky
oooh! I didn't think of that; good call! Did you know that Bill Sienkiewicz did the box art for two of the season's dvds? I tried to see if they'd be open to Adam doing box art, but they seemed pretty happy with what Bill was doing and intended to use him for future projects. And who can blame them; Bill's art on that project is killer!!!
When I look at the print I think Venture Bros. for some reason. I actually like the print better than the statue.:wacky

Good call. I do like this print but I think She-Hulk is still my favorite, too bad I had WAY too many quality control issues with that statue to keep it. Maybe I can track down the print on that one later...hmmm.
...but To me that print is like the one on the left

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oooh! I didn't think of that; good call! Did you know that Bill Sienkiewicz did the box art for two of the season's dvds? I tried to see if they'd be open to Adam doing box art, but they seemed pretty happy with what Bill was doing and intended to use him for future projects. And who can blame them; Bill's art on that project is killer!!!

I'd love to see an AH! Dr. Girlfriend. That would be amazing.
Sure Joseph; we can read...

I don't want to sound rude or anything but IMO that print has required very little time and effort. I have seen B&W steches by AH much better than this. So Dissapointed with AH.

THESE are EX prints...and not that joke

I can understand your point and I really respect it. If you want to understand my comments as "rude", it is OK, I accept it...but I also have an opinion and like it or not, must be respected. I am dissapointed because I like AH's art, I know it and know what he can do, how awesome it can be....we've already seen it everywhere from conventions sketches, covers...and as I've already said, this last print looks to me unfinished...not worthy of being the EX printof such an awesome sculpture.

I can't imagine why I thought you were being rude. :confused:
This is like when your favorite band changes their sound a bit, experiments. Alot of times they do this cause they're artists and want to try new things, expand, and grow. Of course the diehards get kinda bent out of shape when they change their formula. I like this print. I like the design and style. It's more graphic as opposed to fine art. I applaud Mr. Hughes for mixing it up. I also like the slight turn of the head opposed to the straight on look of the statue. Looks sexier. Mr. Hughes definately understands the vocabulary of the human form. But, that's just my opinion.
Sure Joseph; we can read...I can't imagine why I thought you were being rude. :confused:

Well, it depends on how you read them...but it's Ok we have different points of view, as always, let's leave it like that. Excuse me if I have offended you in any way and for not having chosen the most convenient words to express my opinions, I can assure you it was not my intention
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Art, by its very nature, is subject to being liked or disliked. Not everyone is going to like the same things, and we've seen that played out on EVERY statue and with every print. And that's cool; art allows for us to have opinions and discussions of its merit and worth. What isn't cool is people being rude, which these discussions always seem to devolve into.

NO, Adam wasn't "being lazy". That statement is tremendously rude. If you look over his 2+ decades of work, I don't know that there's any merit to that statement. You can not like the art without making assumptions about how much work the artist did or did not put into it.

Adam was doing something different, just as someone pointed out, he did with his She-Hulk litho art. She-Hulk was a riff on the old Saturday Evening Post cover art. Mystique, Adam felt was suited to the 1950's and 1960's pulp covers genre, so he made an attempt to create an image that fit within that genre. Adam does comic book art every day, non-stop. When an opportunity presents itself to create something outside that genre, he's going to take it. And Sideshow is a creative environment which allows Adam that sort of artistic freedom. Maybe its not everyone's cup of tea, and maybe you are disappointed. But it doesn't make Adam a bad artist or a lazy one; it just means this particular piece of his work is not one that you feel you will enjoy owning. So leave it at that.

Some other examples of pulp cover art that may help you have a better understanding of the genre style Adam was working towards:

It was me :banana
I hate to rude here but I really do like the Mystique print only because it is different, it mixes it up and adds variety to the rest of AH! prints. It would look a little redundant if the same print only of a different character from framed on the walls next to each. This adds diversity and in this crazy world we need diversity, ain't that right Ece?

Wait does Ece collect AH! Ahhhh never mind :banghead

:lecture :lecture :lecture
Not sure how I feel about the print. It's kinda cool but also kinda looks like a mock-up of an idea before being executed/finished. It's hard to tell from the scans here, but she also looks a tad too light up-top.
...but To me that print is like the one on the left


I got to agree with that. I love the statue, my favorite so far, but the print is my least favorite so far. I even really liked the She Hulk. The background and the idea of the Mystique print is great, I also feel that it was unfinished, compared to the others.

BUT I don't keep the prints, I just like to look at them and sell them to people that really wants them.
