And you know I'm right there with all of you on the 'good enough never is' front, so trust me when I say this piece will blow your mind. This line is going to leave the 12" line in the dust of ancient history.
I don't know all the details, but I believe this piece has been getting reworked since before the magazine pic was revealed. What you have seen is NOT the final product, I know that much. It IS being tweeked (big time). In the same way you think this figure is a fail as is, you will think the updated version is EPIC. I can't and won't say anymore right now, but she's incredible!
And you know I'm right there with all of you on the 'good enough never is' front, so trust me when I say this piece will blow your mind. This line is going to leave the 12" line in the dust of ancient history.
And you know I'm right there with all of you on the 'good enough never is' front, so trust me when I say this piece will blow your mind. This line is going to leave the 12" line in the dust of ancient history.
I only originally found out about this statue in this thread, though I now have some more info, but that knowledge does not include the official reveal schedule. There may not even be a planned date at this point.
I do know, but can't say who is next, but I will say this line has an excellent lineup. I just hope these sell enough for Sideshow to complete the Scoobies this time. That was by no means a hint, BTW.
This is now my most anticipated new line, and they can't come soon enough.
Does anyone know if this line is going to be all girls?
1. I think you're likely going to find out when the rest of us find out... lol.
2. Those who know, will let us know that they know, but won't tell us what they know... lol.
Just curious SilentSurfer, would you know the frequency of this line? will it be on in statue a year, or like 2 statues a year? thanks
Sideshow doesn't strike me as the type to generally "tweak quite a bit", even if the fans kick and scream.
It wouldn't be a reaction to fan response. That's would be a bit like throwing gerbils at the Titanic hoping it will keep it afloat. It was planned to make adjustments before the pic even came out.
In other words, the licensor and/or Eliza didn't like it, leaving SS no choice but to make changes.
They used to be. I remember them posting the raw cast of the Bespin Han Solo and fans went nuts about the catepillar eyebrows. Not only did they change the sculpt but even referenced comments on the boards when showing the reveal. The problem is that in those days most of the comments were constructive for the most part and minimal in terms of changes, since then every release no matter what license is littered with photoshops and adjustments, amazing amounts of critiques and usually never followed by reasonings. Its caused a literal no-win situation across the board and I guarantee you that while they probably do look into threads its become the same ol' same ol' in terms of comments. Not that SSC won't put out something that they think is the best they could do but its not directly tied to what they would read here.
Makes you wonder why they would even show a pic or approve a pic to be shown. Its not exactly creating excitement for the piece...
I wouldn't count on the Eliza factor, these maquettes so far have never been branded with the "authentic likeness of...." Buffy didn't have it and I'm sure the other releases won't as well. The licensor maybe but the actress I'm sure has no real bearing on the piece itself.
next one after faith is Willow with an wolf in her backpack or something you can see it on Sideshow video.
What video?