Sideshow Captain Rex Premium Format 2024

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OK someone explain to me how the new Batgirl PF is $710 and Rex is a thousand dollars? Explain in easy language, like Im ten years old. 😠

Because that Batgirl is an absolutely amazingly beautiful piece with a similar light up base. I want SSC to explain their logic.

Theyre not going to, but this is some bullstuff right'chere.
OK someone explain to me how the new Batgirl PF is $710 and Rex is a thousand dollars? Explain in easy language, like Im ten years old. 😠

Because that Batgirl is an absolutely amazingly beautiful piece with a similar light up base. I want SSC to explain their logic.

Theyre not going to, but this is some bullstuff right'chere.
Are you sure the Batgirl PF actually has a light up function. Could've sworn that it was just painted to look that way.

The easiest cause could be that the SW license costs more than the DC one which could the be reflected in the cost of the statue itself.
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I think it’s been documented across several companies that SW is quite expensive in the license department. I would venture to guess that has a fair amount to do with it.

From batgirl page, “Gotham’s iconic criminals, this exciting quarter-scale statue includes light-up elements, Batman Easter eggs, and more!”
Are you sure the Batgirl PF actually has a light up function. Could've sworn that it was just painted to look that way.

The easiest cause could be that the SW license costs more than the DC one which could the be reflected in the cost of the statue itself.

No it lights up with this flickering blue glow. Its really a cool piece.
It is definitely a bit higher than most were expecting. A real quick turnaround too, where this might be in people’s collections before Christmas.

Due to the size that was revealed on the livestream on May 4th, I was assuming it’d be around the $800 range.

At the same time, I don’t think this will have problems selling, it is a gorgeous looking piece, very unique, a light up that stands out and when will they come out with something like this again? We still haven’t gotten another normal clone, and Cody was almost a decade ago.

@Ramatuelle maybe wait until the edition size is set, so you know what you’re playing by with? Think it’ll end up in the 400-600 range, lower than both Mace and Mythos Obi.

I’m a clone slut so already preordered and there goes $200 in rewards. :/
I do not believe there is a chance in HELL of this being shipped before Christmas. I would eat my hat - !

Im prolly still buying it. 🦋

Nov-Feb, Mace has the same shipping window too.

I haven't bought a PF since the Stormtrooper back in 2018/2019 (has been sitting in my closet for almost 5 years now) but I feel like those are pretty quick turnarounds? Weren't the wait times usually 10-12 months?

Also make sure to register for all the events so you get $5 in rewards, every little bit helps lol.
I do not believe there is a chance in HELL of this being shipped before Christmas. I would eat my hat - !

Im prolly still buying it. 🦋
Feel for yah but on the RARE occasions I've backtracked and bought an expired piece, I get to enjoy the pain of mark-ups or having to pay retail anyway if I'm lucky.

Sux but - if I really believe in a piece (like IS's Mando) which I plan to keep permanently (outside of an emergency) well - say if I'd be happy to pay 700$ is it worth it to skip because of an extra 300$ over the long term.

I'm not in it for this piece, but prepared to embrace the pain for Obi-Wan. It's not gonna get any better. I see nothing but rising prices on the horizon.

But I can't blame anyone for opting out either. Myself, I have to be SURE at these prices. I do find it useful to buy myself a gift card, then use the card on the piece to cut the monthly payments down. It doesn't change the price overall but makes the monthly statement less traumatic. :eek:
I'm still debating this one. A hundred bucks lower and it'd be pre-ordered. Like @Sassafras I'll probably cave but these few days or weeks of resistance give me a false sense of will power :)

Definitely in on the Kenobi Mythos PF, which is another reason I'm hesitating on this one... Cost, cost, cost.
I have already gotten several emails from SSC bidding me to PO this piece. Almost as if a lot of ppl are hesitating. And thats what I see on FB too - those who really want this piece but feel like the price is on top of Mt Everest.

I absolutely do NOT believe a piece of this size and complexity is shipping before Christmas, nope not for one instant do I believe it and if it does, the paint will be crap.

All this means is that Mythos Fett 2.0 is gonna be $1500
I'm still debating this one. A hundred bucks lower and it'd be pre-ordered. Like @Sassafras I'll probably cave but these few days or weeks of resistance give me a false sense of will power :)

Definitely in on the Kenobi Mythos PF, which is another reason I'm hesitating on this one... Cost, cost, cost.

The price is an issue and I'm surprised they went this high on a non main character, I understand the jetpack and lighting effects were a lot but to be over $250 more expensive than Windu?

This isn't selling out anytime soon, so plenty of time to think it over, get some funds and extra reward points.

I have already gotten several emails from SSC bidding me to PO this piece. Almost as if a lot of ppl are hesitating. And thats what I see on FB too - those who really want this piece but feel like the price is on top of Mt Everest.

I absolutely do NOT believe a piece of this size and complexity is shipping before Christmas, nope not for one instant do I believe it and if it does, the paint will be crap.

All this means is that Mythos Fett 2.0 is gonna be $1500

I'm actually really excited to see who they announce next. These 3 have been major hits for them.
Two wolves are fighting in my heart: Veruca Salt and some financially responsible old lady Ive never even seen before. Veruca is shouting something about wanting it now, and the old lady is carrying a lamp and shouting WOE TO THE IMPULSE PURCHASERS!!!

We'll see what happens. Meanwhile I want to ask the old lady if her lamp is USB or battery powered
Thanks for posting those Pizza. Gotta say it's a spectacular fig, some impressive engineering.
We already know she’s getting it.

Just a matter of when she clicks that pre-order button.