Premium Format Sideshow Deadpool!

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This is going to be pretty commonplace for the next couple years. It's nothing new for Sideshow or any other collectible company, but when you are trying to crank out 5K-10K of each DC premium format, it's bound to create a back log in production.
I've been scaling back so I thankfully only have this one, Nathan Drake and then Superman ships next year.
Damn this statue looks cool. I only know Deadpool from that Wolverine Origins movie... but is there 1 or 2 must read Deadpool comic I should order?
Damn this statue looks cool. I only know Deadpool from that Wolverine Origins movie... but is there 1 or 2 must read Deadpool comic I should order?

I am enjoying the current Marvelnow run. It's only 9 issues in and the first 6 are coming out in trade this week on June 10 I believe. I suggest checking it out. I was also encouraged to read the Deadpool max run which I just ordered. He's a real fun character if you enjoy slapstick and over the top laughs in your superhero comics.

Also i have been reading alot of the Deadpool and Cable series on Marvel unlimited and it's pretty fun. The way the two characters play off each other is pretty good as they are polar opposites. I have three pieces scheduled for July and one for August.

Check for June (GL, yay!), 2 for July, and 1 for freaking OCTOBER (cough...another batman delay...cough).

Damn this statue looks cool. I only know Deadpool from that Wolverine Origins movie... but is there 1 or 2 must read Deadpool comic I should order?

I enjoyed the Daniel Way run, which I believe started with the Secret Invasion book and ended just before the new Marvel NOW series. There are a few weak books in the run, but overall it was a fun read, especially early on.
Check for June (GL, yay!), 2 for July, and 1 for freaking OCTOBER (cough...another batman delay...cough).

I enjoyed the Daniel Way run, which I believe started with the Secret Invasion book and ended just before the new Marvel NOW series. There are a few weak books in the run, but overall it was a fun read, especially early on.

I started reading the Daniel Way run this past weekend and am about 10 books in now and it has been great. Really fun read. Making me more excited to get this PF if it ever comes.
I only see the EX listed as shipping soon. Is that normal to not have them ship at the same time? Don't really care though as its an EX for me.
It's not normal based on past releases I've seen. Not surprising given the high ES though. I'm guessing they are just getting the exes in by the skin of their teeth to make it within the 30 day mark.
Don't worry, the droids have been on the 30 day list for the last 2 weeks and there still isn't a processing notice for them. Deadpool could still not show up until late July or early August. At lease he's closer.