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Yeah I asked them to process mine early too, but they said they don't have it in stock yet :slap

Yes, it is annoying when you know that they actually do have it in stock...oh well, nothing we can do about it. I should have mine Monday or Tuesday next week.
He just arrived. I didn't buy this for myself as I am not a big Deadpool fan, instead this is for my son. I have to say I am really jealous as this has to be one of the best sculpts and paint jobs I've seen in a long time. I'll have a review of him up on my website later tonight with some hi-res photos, in the meantime, just a few small photos with my phone.

20130806_131406 by More Than Just Reviews, on Flickr

20130806_131337 by More Than Just Reviews, on Flickr

20130806_131319 by More Than Just Reviews, on Flickr

20130806_131301 by More Than Just Reviews, on Flickr

20130806_131238 by More Than Just Reviews, on Flickr

20130806_130818 by More Than Just Reviews, on Flickr