Sideshow ESB/ROTJ Darth Vader

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What a missed opportunity.
It looks clumsy and awkward. The body is still way too tall. The KP02 body is perfect in height and bulk. Why couldn't Sideshow have produced something comparable to that?
The mask and dome look too small for the body.
The mouthpiece on the mask doesn't slope back at the correct angle and is really bugging me (they got it right on the ANH version so how could they screw it up on this one???).
The shoulder pads are horribly shaped. (Luckily the cape covers them up for the most part). Suit looks "cheap" compared to ANH. Dome is still way off (can't believe Hasbro got the dome much better proportioned in their attempt and Sideshow have messed it up both times so far).

In a nutshell, it saddens me to think that customisation is still required to get this looking correct. This thing should have been much better straight out of the box. :slap

Here's my ANH which uses the KPO2 body, LForigno cape and robes and Hasbro dome. The result (at least in my opinion) - a much more accurately proportioned looking Vader who doesn't make the Troopers or Imperial Officer figures look like little kids next to him!

If we, as fans can get our ANH Vader's looking like this, why can't Sideshow learn from their mistakes and give us a more accurate figure - especially considering the massive resources that they have, not to mention access to Lucasfilm reference pics etc, etc? Having said that, you only need to look at the commonly available reference pics or even just look at the movies themselves to realise that their latest offering doesn't look as good as it could and SHOULD have been.


Damn I love the look if the Marmit Stormtroopers!

As for Vader, I still have an extra KP02 lying around, I'm tempted to do the mod...

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How many YouTube reviews are there of this? Also does the silent guy show SS figures as well?
Think so far there is only Optibotimus' video review and D. Martin's photos at Rebelscum.

Silent guy I am pretty sure only flips HT, though it kinda seems unnecessary to get his take since Optibotimus did essentially the same thing (except with commentary). He took the figure direct from the box with no futzing, so not sure what silent guy would add that you haven't already seen from Optibotimus.
I have both of those figures. Thanks for trying to dismiss my points though. You were the one that was saying how great their manufacturing know all was on those figures. Like some others, I am tired of everyone sucking off Hot Toys as the end all be all when they have just as many QC issues as other manufacturers.
I never said that they were perfect (e.g., ASM release looks to be riddled with problems), only that if you want figures like Iron Monger, ED-209 or Iron Whiplash, then HT is the only game in town. At this time, SSC isn't even capable of manufacturing stuff like that.
It's a nice fig. Love the light up effects, but for $245 and considering all the other batman related releases this year , I'll stick with medi vader. Got him up to 13" tall. ...only cost me .99 cents in pens from the dollar store !:yess:
I never said that they were perfect (e.g., ASM release looks to be riddled with problems), only that if you want figures like Iron Monger, ED-209 or Iron Whiplash, then HT is the only game in town. At this time, SSC isn't even capable of manufacturing stuff like that.

Well they are making those Starcraft guys in the mech suits, but they're $500 as well.
Yep, I mentioned earlier that if they end-up pulling those guys off, that will be a major development for them, for sure. Just so far they have not even attempted characters like that. Hopefully it is a big success and they have reason to pursue similarly complicated designs in future.
That's me. Need to see more reviews as I am not sold. And the reason I am not sold is $250

Same here; at double the price of the ANH version, I am not seeing double the quality. Sure, the accessories are awesome, but if the main figure is lacking, then the accessories won't sell it for me alone
That's me. Need to see more reviews as I am not sold. And the reason I am not sold is $250

Same here; at double the price of the ANH version, I am not seeing double the quality. Sure, the accessories are awesome, but if the main figure is lacking, then the accessories won't sell it for me alone

It's a shame to see that people aren't fully happy with this figure. The hefty price tag doesn't help either.
It is a shame. It's also a shame Sideshow seems to have improved very little from the Vader they released 4 years ago, yet they want 250 dollars.

I want the figure, I want a great Vader, but I'm not sure how to feel about this figure.
It is a shame. It's also a shame Sideshow seems to have improved very little from the Vader they released 4 years ago, yet they want 250 dollars.

I want the figure, I want a great Vader, but I'm not sure how to feel about this figure.

I it really that hard to make a decent body fit the armor, then have all the armor to be the right size?

SSC charges HT prices, but they aint HT level
Personally I think even with its flaws it's nicer than the customs I've seen going at double the price (especially in regards to chest piece - molding and paint apps often looks sloppy there). Really I think in-hand and with a little work it will be a great figure. I had a lot of criticisms of the prototype but this is better in almost every way.
Are there any pictures of this vader standing next to Hot Toys Luke floating around by any chance? This will be my first Vader and I want to see how big an issue the height may be.. A picture of the previous Vader next to DX Luke will be okay too I guess just so I see a worst case scenario.
No pics w/HT Luke, oddly (you'd kinda think that would be the first thing a lot of people would do). Website lists Vader as 13.5" tall (which in 1:6 scale would be about 6.75', so that should be about right, shouldn't it?). I thought the ANH version was 14", but I might be incorrect on that.

Edit: Just Googled quickly and at least on the site I went to, Prowse in costume is listed as being 6.75'. So it sounds as though Sideshow actually does have the scale right, assuming 12" = 6'.
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Methinks that HT Snake Eyes retaliation padding under the bodysuit will complement this guy quite nicely.