I'm looking forward to your picsI'm also looking forward to seeing how much the mask sculpts and domes will be going for parted out and how they'll look on the ANH body - still wavering on buying a full set, especially as doing so will mean passing on the probe droid.
Is it really as big? Damn the thoughts of shortening another Vader is daunting.
Yeah, I was going to do the whole parted out thing but the more I looked at the figure the more I realized there were more and more things I wanted from it. I was initially just going to get some gloves, then I thought I'd add the chest box and belt, then I started thinking about the cape and tunic and so forth etc. I eventually came to a list that included at least 4 gloves, the cape and tunic, chest box and belt, should/chest armor and the helmet.Then I realized even after all of that I would still be unhappy because the modified body I have is still out of proportion. I figured why buy all this stuff to "upgrade" but still be unhappy with the body. Add all that to the fact that it's become a pain in the arse to get new parted out items from TA. I swear some people must stay on that site all day long just refreshing the screen.
So what I thinking I'm going to end up doing is selling my ANH Vader either as a full figure or a part out. I try not to have doubles and I really don't have the room anyway.
Anyway, here is the pic from Rebelscum:
What about the new Cavill Supes Body? It's the biggest I've seen in a while.
As much as I like this Vader (putting height issue aside), I'd definitely skip it if it means passing on the Probe Droid. There will be plenty of chances to get Vader, I think, but I'd be surprised if ol' Probie is ever made again.I'm looking forward to your picsI'm also looking forward to seeing how much the mask sculpts and domes will be going for parted out and how they'll look on the ANH body - still wavering on buying a full set, especially as doing so will mean passing on the probe droid.
Lighting/wiring is contained within the belt and chest piece. Nothing runs through the body.Are the lighting and the wiring inside the body? if so then it'll be hard to swap the inner body.
So worth Hot Toys Prices?????