Sideshow ESB/ROTJ Darth Vader

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That's pretty scarey...
I find it weird that people that trash the prequels seem to always give ROTJ a pass.

That's because no one in their right mind can follow every part of the plot of the prequels - or want to. It's a convoluted mess. A dry and ill-conceived political nightmare - that doesn't make any sense whatsoever, making nearly everything that happens (and plotted) completely superfluous. There were 101 ways to have achieved the same end result without all the BS over the course of all the years of plotting by Palpatine. Everything about the prequels is just stupid, including the basic timeline of events.
Nothing weird there. ROTJ is better than anything about the prequels, even with its flaws.

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100% agree. ROTJ on its worse day is still superior to anything prequel related. Anyone that disagrees with that is obviously from a newer generation that looks at the prequels in a much different mindset and perspective. I don't have a problem with some liking the prequels or at least parts of it...but I would highly disagree with anyone that would say that any of those high budget turds are better then any of the original movies. The last 20 minutes of Return alone is worth the whole movie. Heck....the moment of Vader 's redemption is worth the whole movie.

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Agreed. I get why some people take issue with some of the ideas with ROTJ. The second Death Star is kinda lame in the sense they've already did the Death Star thing in the first film, so its not very original, marginalizing Han and making him less "edgy", the sister thing and yeah, the Ewoks. Although, I can't help it, I like the Ewoks. They're only furry R2-D2's, so lets not act like SW didnt already dip its toe in some cutesy factors already. But ROTJ has a ton of cool stuff going for it, some have already been mentioned. The whole Jabba sequence, speeder bikes, the saber fight at the end (pretty much all the scenes with Vader, Luke and the Emperor are great for me), Anakins redemption etc. All that stuff is awesome and nothing from the PT holds a candle to any of that stuff.

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Agreed. I get why some people take issue with some of the ideas with ROTJ. The second Death Star is kinda lame in the sense they've already did the Death Star thing in the first film, so its not very original, marginalizing Han and making him less "edgy", the sister thing and yeah, the Ewoks. Although, I can't help it, I like the Ewoks. They're only furry R2-D2's, so lets not act like SW didnt already dip its toe in some cutesy factors already. But ROTJ has a ton of cool stuff going for it, some have already been mentioned. The whole Jabba sequence, speeder bikes, the saber fight at the end (pretty much all the scenes with Vader, Luke and the Emperor are great for me), Anakins redemption etc. All that stuff is awesome and nothing from the PT holds a candle to any of that stuff.

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Yeah which brings up another point. The second Death Star was nearly complete after only several years between ANH and ROTJ right? But at the end of ROTS they show them beginning to construct the original one. So your telling me that it took 20 years to finish the first one but only several to ALMOST finish the second one? Pfff...bad writing and screwy time lines all around from the prequels. It's like Lucas didn't even pay attention to his own movies.

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He didn't. Every quote was marked with its author's name, only the first one was yours. Are you reading the thread in a mobile reader like Tapatalk?

Yup. That must be it. Weird. I've never seen that before until yesterday. Maybe part of the new update. Wow.
There were a few things that I thought were cool in the prequels:

- Jango Fett VS Obi Wan on Kamino and then their dogfight in the asteroid field (it was cool to see Slave One in action)

- Darth Maul

- Anakin VS Obi Wan

I wonder if my opinion of the prequels would have been different if I would have seen them as a child. I was five in 1977 when I first saw ANH and I've been hooked ever since. My son is eight and only knows Star Wars as 6 DVDs and really enjoys them all, as well having a ton of SW toys. I guess I'll have to wait and see how his opinion changes as he gets older. I did have fun seeing the prequels in the theater but it still couldn't compare to the experience of seeing the originals.
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My main problem with the prequels was that the character of Anakin wasn't very well executed. The mannerisms, way of emoting, and manner of speech were so different from the Vader everyone grew up with that it was difficult to reconcile that they were the same character. Additionally, the character's descent into darkness was jerky. It felt that in ROTS his decision to save Palpatine was like someone turning on a light switch. Afterwards, he immediately went from being a hero to a child and friend murderer. From hero to villain in a span of a second. The transition should have been more gradual
There were a few things that I thought were cool in the prequels:

- Jango Fett VS Obi Wan on Kamino and then their dogfight in the asteroid field (it was cool to see Slave One in action)

- Darth Maul

- Anakin VS Obi Wan

I can agree with those. Those are literally the only parts of the prequels I will rewatch. :lol Darth Maul is just cool. Theres just no denying it. His design, the way he moves, that inense look in his eyes, the double lightsaber. Jango Vs. Obi at Kamino is also cool. And I think Anakin Vs. Obi was actually done fairly well, sans some of that dialogue Anakin had.
The bit of dialogue from Obi at the end was done very well too. That's probably the only bit of dramatic/emotional diologue/acting that actually made me feel something. Of course everything after that is beyond atrocious. I didn't care ,nor feel ,anything for any of the characters in the PT. By time ROTS comes around I should be completely emotionally invested in the Anakin character, and I should feel devastated about his downfall, but I don't feel anything.

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I can agree with those. Those are literally the only parts of the prequels I will rewatch. :lol Darth Maul is just cool. Theres just no denying it. His design, the way he moves, that inense look in his eyes, the double lightsaber. Jango Vs. Obi at Kamino is also cool. And I think Anakin Vs. Obi was actually done fairly well, sans some of that dialogue Anakin had.
The bit of dialogue from Obi at the end was done very well too. That's probably the only bit of dramatic/emotional diologue/acting that actually made me feel something. Of course everything after that is beyond atrocious. I didn't care ,nor feel ,anything for any of the characters in the PT. By time ROTS comes around I should be completely emotionally invested in the Anakin character, and I should feel devastated about his downfall, but I don't feel anything.

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Yeah, I agree that the ending verbal exchange between Anakin and Obi Wan was pretty good.

I forgot to add that I love the design and look of the 501st Clone Troopers as well.
It just kills me how they handled Anakin's turn. I wanted to see him slaughtering Jedi, not a bunch of defenseless kids. That would have hammered home the point that Vader was a total bad ***. Similar to how Malgus looked in the Old Republic trailers. Lucas dropped the ball there.
It just kills me how they handled Anakin's turn. I wanted to see him slaughtering Jedi, not a bunch of defenseless kids. That would have hammered home the point that Vader was a total bad ***. Similar to how Malgus looked in the Old Republic trailers. Lucas dropped the ball there.


I thought for sure that we were gonna get Vader in full armor a lot sooner and that a good part of the movie was going to have him hunting down real Jedi as well. Just a ton of awesome duels would have been epic.
I wonder if my opinion of the prequels would have been different if I would have seen them as a child. I was five in 1977 when I first saw ANH and I've been hooked ever since.

That is a great point. I missed the opportunity of seeing the OT at theater as I was born in 82, but I grew up with that movies. But I also liked the PT (recognizing the stupidity of Anakin as a character and the awful lot of bad fan service). Usually people older than me thinks that the OT was epic and the PT is crap. Many of my age think prequels are ok but OT is a classic. I've met a few of my age that never saw the originals and went through the saga as a 6 part story...all of them said that the PT was cool and the OT was incredibly boring.

I thought for sure that we were gonna get Vader in full armor a lot sooner and that a good part of the movie was going to have him hunting down real Jedi as well. Just a ton of awesome duels would have been epic.

That would be awesome and I have faith in JJ to give us some great duels. How can Bioware get that part right and not GL?:slap
Quick pic. Can't wait to photograph him tomorrow with my new camera.



Excellent pic indeed paramoremcr88. Looks like an alternate reality scene where Vader & Luke killed Palpy (the aftermath)

Also I received Vader, missing tusk, emailed SSC sent 3 pics. But the rep said to send one @ a time.