Super Freak
^ Wow. The ANH Vader was even taller? The ROTJ Vader is ridiculously tall. That's my only real complaint about the figure. Exactly how tall does SSC think Vader is supposed to be?
The most amusing thing is I saw an old SSC youtube presentation of the ANH Vader yesterday and the guy specifically mention that it's on an new body so it can tower over the rest of the SSC figures to be in "correct scale" and proves it by standing a Stormtrooper beside Vader and as we now that looks kind of silly sizewise. The guy also mention that they meticulously studied the movie to make sure everything is accurate. I had to laugh at that. One google search and ten minutes looking at the search results gives all the info they would have needed to make it perfect the first time not to mention the second.
But as of now I have the ROTJ and an ANH incoming so I guess it worked out for them anyway.