Sideshow Hoth Han Solo (Echo Base)

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Paramore's photos have done more to convince me to keep my order than the sideshow pics. Also following some rabbit fur pelt listings on eBay. One thing the sideshow pics have done is made me reconsider which coat I want.

You weren't already buying blue?
I don't remember the bespin jacket having a zipper. Does anyone have any pictures that confirm or deny this?

Yeah, that's odd... I wonder if someone just thought it should have one and it was added. Or if that's a specific inner jacket he wore :huh

I'll likely just remove the jacket when I get the figure, not need to have an extra layer with a bulky coat like that :lol And if we're lucky the zipper is easy to remove leaving a nice option for a new Bespin Jacket.

I wonder if Trevor sculpted the eyes with the thought that they'd be looking slightly up, because it isn't so jarring on the prototype.


Luke was definitely sculpted with eyelids, we'll see how he turns out in production.


It's funny, but thinking back on other Ford sculpts... you usually don't see his upper eyelids. Some people have prominent eyelids, others don't. Look at pictures of Harrison Ford, no upper eyelids... they're hidden. Then look at pictures of Luke, you can always see his upper eyelids clearly.

Someone needs to repaint the eyes looking up and with smaller irises to see if the sculpt can still be salvaged.

The size of the iris is fine, just not the best placement given the open eyes. If you can shift it up that will help... but just repainting the eyes will make a big difference. And anyway, the production eyes look like straight brown... Ford is more of a hazel, nor does he have discernable upper eyelids:


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* Universal Beautifier™ sold separately

Thanks for using and messing about with my photo without asking... You may have thought it was funny but I don't. I bought this figure purely for those who were interested could see how the final product turned out. I didn't buy it so my photos could be used to take the pi$$. What a waste of my time.

Thanks to those who did appreciate it (whether you buy this or not), I'm happy to have helped. And luckily, it just so happens that I like this figure and will be keeping it, so my money wasn't wasted in the end.
Thanks for using and messing about with my photo without asking... You may have thought it was funny but I don't. I bought this figure purely for those who were interested could see how the final product turned out. I didn't buy it so my photos could be used to take the pi$$. What a waste of my time.

Thanks to those who did appreciate it (whether you buy this or not), I'm happy to have helped. And luckily, it just so happens that I like this figure and will be keeping it, so my money wasn't wasted in the end.

I didn't do this but I did think it was funny... AND I really appreciated your photos, they were great. Hey, if you're happy with this figure you're happy with it. I've got a custom Jedi Luke and a friend of mine ripped it to pieces - the velcro on the Medicom trousers is coming apart so it looks like he can't keep his zipper closed, and because the sleeves are too short you can see his massive ball joint wrists. But I kindly asked him to kiss my arse because I love that figure with all its faults and despite the money I spent on it. Just say the same to pricks like me who have got too much time to slag off dollies on the internet - but if you're going to make a stand then make sure YOU never laugh at any doctored photos ever!

Anyway, sorry you were upset.

EDIT: Did you really only buy it so the rest of us could see what it's like? That's really taking one for the team! Thanks, it was appreciated.
Yeah, paramoremcr88, I wouldn't sweat it - it's sort of par for the course on this forum (people manipulating/mocking other people's pics.)

I'm a little disappointed with this release, but really appreciated your pics rising to a challenge SSC wasn't up to - accurately showing their own production figure. They promised production figure pics and all we got were more small, dreamy and dark images - your pics showed the figure for what we're actually getting in-hand.

I'm getting this figure and stand ready to futz the hell out of it to look its best, and also make a Han Bespin figure as a bonus (I just so happen to have an extra Han Solo belt and boots - fancy that!)
You may have thought it was funny but I don't.

Sorry you didn't appreciate the joke. I like the figure, think it looks great (but could be better), plan to buy it. The photo is a joke for the people who feel differently even after seeing your great photos. Maybe even the folks who don't plan to buy it, seem to hate everything about it, yet keep going on like a broken record in this thread, seemingly only to try and antagonize everyone.

No disrespect is intended toward you nor your photos. They're fine, some even great. If you had read the text surrounding the discussion you may have realized that and my position on the figure.

Even though it was fair use of the image, I want to respect your opinion, so I've removed the original and replaced it with an official product shot from Sideshow.
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I thought it was very funny. The picture illustrates well my feeling about the figure. :lol

I don't much mind being mocked for that position either, what others like och disklike has very little bearing on my opinion. I feel I can hate (or not like) something others love and I can enjoy stuff without needing the rest of the world to agree with me. That is the big problem some other people here are having. For some reason the joy is completely gone as soon as someone else has a different opinion. Granted most of the really silly stuff only happens once in a blue moon when one of the cantina denizens decide to peruse the rest of the forum only to go ape**** on some of us n00bs.

I very much appreciate your efforts para even though I didn't like the figure that much.