Sideshow Hoth Han Solo (Echo Base)

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Yeah, I believe they at least strongly hinted during SDCC that the exclusive would be the blue jacket (also makes sense in that they've got a long history of nods to Hasbro, in regards to SW exclusives). Accuracy be damned, Han just suits Correllian blue!
It was actually confirmed point-blank at SDCC that it comes with both coats and two heads. ;) I'm just too lazy to roll back through the pages to check whether the bleu coat was part of every version or only an EX.
Yeah, I remember us discussing it at length back then, but couldn't remember if it was an outright confirmation or not (pretty much certain the blue coat is the ex). Thanks, pixel. Really looking forward to this pre-order.
I really hope he comes with this double antennae thing that he looks for Luke with:

I think that'll be part of his standard kit. Counting on it as I planned on posing him that way, w/Luke on Tauntaun.
This whole blue vs brown debate is silly. They should just make him in the color jacket he wore on Hoth - brown. He never wore the Kenner jacket. Kenner got almost all their figure's colors wrong in some way or form, why did you kid's fall for this one in particular?

At least I won't have to sweat the EX on this one. Don't want the blue coat he never wore.
While I'll never pose him in blue, I'd much rather have that EX item versus the damaged face sculpt that comes with Luke. Because hey, extra winter coat!

I think that'll be part of his standard kit. Counting on it as I planned on posing him that way, w/Luke on Tauntaun.

Riding the TaunTaun, Luke will be saying:

"Hey! I'm right here! What are you looking for?!"
I'm all for the blue coat EX because it'll make a lot of collectors happy. I'll be using the brown one, though.
This whole blue vs brown debate is silly. They should just make him in the color jacket he wore on Hoth - brown. He never wore the Kenner jacket. Kenner got almost all their figure's colors wrong in some way or form, why did you kid's fall for this one in particular?

At least I won't have to sweat the EX on this one. Don't want the blue coat he never wore.

I may have posted this before - but at some Star Wars touring museum thing they had the actual coat in question in a display with the signage "Brown or Blue?" and depending on lighting you could say it was either color. Not the blue of the Kenner coat, but a much darker, browner blue.
While I'll never pose him in blue, I'd much rather have that EX item versus the damaged face sculpt that comes with Luke.

What!? You don't want FU Luke head? It's awesome -- and you can make a "Corvette Summer" accident bash!

I may have posted this before - but at some Star Wars touring museum thing they had the actual coat in question in a display with the signage "Brown or Blue?" and depending on lighting you could say it was either color. Not the blue of the Kenner coat, but a much darker, browner blue.

Well that doesn't help at all. Blu Ray set to SOE will decide.
I've already got my huge digital background ready to go for this display. It's going high up on my Expedits across from the Dewback on an identical shelving unit. Now I just need to get the Dewback, the TaunTaun and the Hoth figures. ;) AT least I'm already set for Sandtroopers and Snowtrooper.
I may have posted this before - but at some Star Wars touring museum thing they had the actual coat in question in a display with the signage "Brown or Blue?" and depending on lighting you could say it was either color. Not the blue of the Kenner coat, but a much darker, browner blue.

You're going to confuse some of these people with simple facts like the truth, Dave. :lol

Please tread carefully.
Riding the TaunTaun, Luke will be saying:

"Hey! I'm right here! What are you looking for?!"
Yes, I was thinking it might give that impression if anyone takes the display too literally... :mad:

I may have posted this before - but at some Star Wars touring museum thing they had the actual coat in question in a display with the signage "Brown or Blue?" and depending on lighting you could say it was either color. Not the blue of the Kenner coat, but a much darker, browner blue.
Not to get into the debate again, but it's not only because of Kenner that I thought Han's coat was blue (referring to Wor-Gar's post). It quite frankly looks blue to me in a lot of scenes, even if I accept that the actual coat was brown. Main thing for me is I think blue suits both Solo and Hoth better than brown, though I'll be glad to have the brown jacket packed safely away for accuracy's sake.

I'm pro choice. Everyone should have to right to decide if they want a brown or blue coat on their Han.
You're a good man, Ben.