Looks amazing !
for anyone who has this, is it possible to have him looking to his left instead of his right? does the head move?
So did the original version of this bust go up in value finally? I thought I saw someone post it was $2K... but I can't find any completed ones on eBay.
Leave it to Sideshow to kill the value of a collectible by reissuing it later with a slightly different version.
so i got the new one and it came with some scratches on the dome, so SS wants me to smash it to pieces and take pics then they will send me a new one....
this is going to be hard....but I'm doing this on sunday. I'm going to video it. i plan on taking a sledge hammer to it. should be interesting, stay tuned if you wanna watch the carnage.
Just go on YouTube.com, create a free account, then upload the vid there. Easy and fast if you ask me.i got the video but i done know how to upload it....i don't have any social media accounts....any ideas>?
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Just got mine a few days ago. I really like it but you would think for $1k they would give a better looking chain. Or maybe an actual chain instead of a strip of plastic.