This is not a matter on entitlement or anything like that. What abuse are you even referring to? The bottom like is this; since SSC has switch over the NL format, it's been plaque with issues. Sometimes you get the NL and sometime you don't. I really don't give a damn how big or small a company is but if they doing NL, it should work. Otherwise why even do it? Yah I know not everything goes according to plan and things need to work out there kinks but realistically 6 months of this is definitely an issue!
If they were smart, revert it back to the old system. They should be testing the new upgrade and to ensure its 100% operational before launching.
Its actually in SS interest to get this problem resolved. I don't see any issue of entitlement at all. They either want to put the items up for order or they don't. This is not a one off issue it has been going on since the last site overhaul (almost 6 months). I went onto the site in the last 10 minutes and it is still failing to load the Babydoll order page. It just states loading page and never does.
The motivation should be with SS not its collectors.
This is all simple common sense. Do you believe that Sideshow doesn't care? Do you think they are not pulling their hair out by the roots trying to get this figured out? Do you think they are not embarrassed? Do you really believe they need you to tell them that the motivation should be with them? Everyone knows that...and nobody knows it more than Sideshow.
Its quite simple if your running a business and your web technicians are not capable of fulfilling their task hire someone who can. Its not like they have not had enough time to resolve the matter. If it means closing the site down for a few days so be it. Close the site and leave a message on the site. While leaving messages on FB is helpful to those of us who are on it, not everyone is on FB.
This is a forum and there is bound to be some venting on such occasions. Let SS answer the questions as this is "Ask Sideshow" not "Ask some other collector". If people are out of order or are being personally abusive towards the SS staff who are kind enough to give of their time to come on here that is another matter. Leave it to the mods to resolve.
If it means closing the site down for a few days so be it.
Honestly...if you can not recognize the sense of entitlement and the abusive attitudes that come across in some of the posts in this thread, I wouldn't even begin to understand why not. I am not trying to be a jerk, here, but in ANY situation...not just this one, patient cooperation always benefits and angry chastising only ever succeeds in making the matter worse and causing unnecessary animosity.
I thought they tried that yesterday, lol.
How Sideshow chooses to run their business is for them to decide. Not us.
I am under the impression that that this is a community that can handle the sharing of some friendly advice and observation between the members.
I say keep the site down until it working correctly. Yes, its a hassle but i rather talk about Status then computer and web site issues. I come to this forum to get away from that at work.