Super Freak
Because your post demanded it...
If your posting in this thread your here for the same purpose...if not hit the "go back" button. Stay focused shall we...
Because your post demanded it...
Because your post demanded it...
If your posting in this thread your here for the same purpose...if not hit the "go back" button. Stay focused shall we...
Nope. Sorry, wrong answer.
But feel free to rant some more.![]()
Whos ranting?...
See your the type of person SS is talking about...I said my piece on the topic just as everyone else has and then you come instigating debate? With excessive emote's and belligerent comments. What are you 6?...
Sideshow's response is actually refreshing considering their prolific stature, but at the same time comes off as being arrogant with a "we don't give damn what you naysayers have to post/say because we have customers who'll buy our stuff regardless of design/quality concerns" vibe.
As I said earlier in the thread...there is such a thing as being tactful & constructive with honest criticism when dealing with others.
Your post wasn't anything like I'm referring to. It was nothing but pent up anger.
That's all I have to say about it and to you.
It's not the opinions themselves, but how they're expressed. I'm sure neither Jerry nor Randy appreciate the "PASS!" type comments.
To me I see PASS as "not for me" or "I don't like Alien 4 because it sucks" not that SSC's dio was bad (they picked the best scene from the film) but it's just not for me. Does that make more sense?
Taken out of context, the quote from the Ask Sideshow doesn't read quite right - it's understandable how some here and on StatueForum might take offense. If you haven't read the Q & A in full, please do! It's located here:
I'm certain that the intent of this Q&A isn't to dictate how you express yourselves on the forums - I think instead it's meant to give you a good idea of how to shape your comments to reach the right eyes & ears, to win hearts and influence minds. Our staff does regularly read this forum and others, and will on occasion pull quotes and comments from the boards to share internally at Sideshow. If you want to talk with us more directly, you can always submit to the Ask Sideshow feature. If you're here for the community and entertainment value and don't care about whether your comments are shared, then this isn't directed at you - puke, eye roll, and go nuts!
We have great respect for Jerry of Pop Culture Shock and Randy Bowen for their products, their style and their interaction on the forums. Both men can speak directly to the company philosophy, as well as directly represent their artwork or art direction. Because of the large number of products and licenses at Sideshow, and the related incredible volume of posts on this forum (and elsewhere) across all of the various sections and product lines, the artists and creative leads at Sideshow simply aren't able to keep up with all of the conversations and interact as directly (through the forums). We feel that the most meaningful way to have these conversations is through the Ask Sideshow feature. When you contribute your questions, they are circulated to our key creative and administrative staff members and answered collaboratively. It's sort of a funnel - please pour your thoughts and questions into it!