Not seeing any specific examples of the "improved" QC here.
But I guess I kinda agree. My 2nd most recent purchase (Mythos Obi-Wan in the second wave release back in November) shipped to me with a foot that was physically unable to fit into the appropriate hole in the base without extensive dremeling of said hole. Even then it's not perfect and the peg under the boot sole sticks up a little. Meanwhile, my most recent SS piece (the sixth scale Scout and Bike combo) fit onto the base fine, although since the base wasn't actually flat, the whole thing toppled over the moment I took a step back from it. And mine needed the use of a knife and some glue to make the bike actually fit together and stay together.
So I guess that is improved, yes.I realize my luck may just be bad of late, but man. Two straight pieces I couldn't even stand up without some modifications on my part seems ridiculous.
Examples don't necessarily include 6th scale but recently My Superman PF came flawless, Batgirl PF is amazing, Allied Cap PF, Batman Keaton amazing, Iron Patriot sucked but most IM pieces could be better in the 1/4th maquette department, New Doom PF looks solid, new Modern Thor, Lobo looks nice.