Sideshow Rhino Comiquette - Link to Regular in 1st post.

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I just gave it the thorough looking over and I didn't see any flaws (knock on wood).

Good thing we are both in CA. Shouldn't take too long to get a replacement. But don't be surprised if they say it's a common occurrence on this statue due to the folds of the skin...yadda yadda yadda.

I hope it goes well for you though. Shouldn't have a problem.

Thanks man, but I'm not in CA. Canada actually. :D
Man, this Spidey/rogue comi line is turning out to be one of the very best series SS has produced so far. The size, detail, poses, & sculpt quality are all top notch. Hoping they continue this trend with remaining villains, & keep the high standards for quality intact. Now bring on Doc Oc, Lizard, Vulture, & yes a fully sculpted Goblin:pyess::clap:clapd

Agreed...Doctor Octopus seems long overdue for being such a major Spidey villain.

I also hope they put out another Green Goblin...GG is my favorite Spidey villain, and I would buy a great GG from sideshow in a heartbeat. I personally have a strong dislike (that's the most polite way I can put it) for the GG PF. Looking at how awesome the Hobgoblin turned out, surely they can come out with a great looking fully sculpted Green Goblin. And, make it the classic green goblin, too. It's a guy wearing a goblin mask...not an actual goblin...again, not a huge fan of the look from the PF or either GG bust for that matter.
I hope the cracks are not common. Of the few reviews so far, they seem to have cracks on the back.
No worries Loric, good to hear. Mine has some flaws which I'll be notifying Sideshow about.




I'll be contacting Sideshow though for these flaws...






It isn't as noticeable from this shot but the cracks are there...


It could be paint flaking or because the statue is so hollow, it got damaged during shipping.
inhand photo looks alright, but not as impressive as the product photos.

this bad boy is coming monday along with hulk maquette, got baby doll pf tomorrow, and ebay dinosauria statue next tues. Quad whammy? :monkey4