Sideshow Rhino Comiquette - Link to Regular in 1st post.

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Re: Rhino Comiquette - ON SALE NOW - use link in first post!

You can tell by the way the description is written he is salty as hell about it. Lol
Re: Rhino Comiquette - ON SALE NOW - use link in first post!

He's like "buy this **** so I don't have to look at it anymore." Lol
Re: Rhino Comiquette - ON SALE NOW - use link in first post!

Yeah. It pains me too.
Re: Rhino Comiquette - ON SALE NOW - use link in first post!

Just imagine the sound that you here when your shelf is crashing. Then all the thoughts that you have going through your head before entering the room...not fun I tell ya...:(
Re: Rhino Comiquette - ON SALE NOW - use link in first post!

Damn, he has a busted up Punisher Com listed as well. Those are 2 awesome pieces. That had to hurt.
Re: Rhino Comiquette - ON SALE NOW - use link in first post!

I noticed the Feb 2013 ship date has changed to: Est. Ship Date: 1st Qtr 2013

I wonder if that means it will move up to March.
Re: Rhino Comiquette - ON SALE NOW - use link in first post!

I noticed the Feb 2013 ship date has changed to: Est. Ship Date: 1st Qtr 2013

I wonder if that means it will move up to March.

It seems SSC did this to a lot of their products that were scheduled to ship in January and February. :(
Re: Rhino Comiquette - ON SALE NOW - use link in first post!

At least we now know the latest will be March.
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Re: Rhino Comiquette - ON SALE NOW - use link in first post!

My last flex still says Jan not changed yet. Is RhinO delayed??
Re: Rhino Comiquette - ON SALE NOW - use link in first post!

Probably March and Batman April/May.
Re: Rhino Comiquette - ON SALE NOW - use link in first post!

First quarter ends in April I think

Doesn't it end in March though

First quarter Jan-March 3 months
Second Quarter April-June 3 months
Third Quarter July-September 3 Months
Fourth Quarter October-December 3 months

Those would be quarters of a Year wouldn't they??