Super Freak
Not a buyer, but the statue turned out great!!!
*waves* Hi Xane good to see you on here.Did you order the exclusive?
Yes I ordered the exclusive. It seemed like it was the same price so why not? Although I'm not really into the vamp face so much.
I'm pretty jazzed, it's so amazing looking. The price is intimidating but how often are you going to see a Spike product that well done?
I noticed they made 500 of them while only making 250 of the Faith and Willow. Plus charging more. Not sure what that means!
I think that many for the regular is insane. How's that for my two cents?
I like it!
I'm glad that I'm not the only one thinking that.
You think SSC is just really amped about the line or do you think the line is really selling that well?
Either way, I hope it means this line will have a bright future.
I think they made a mistake. Honestly. I think they thought Spike is so popular they would have no issues selling a bunch.
Re: Sideshow Spike Statue
I don't know why Spike would be more popular than Buffy seeing as most collectors are male and they are going to prefer the female character in most cases. The Buffy regular was 750 right? They shouldn't have done any more than that and perhaps even less, like 500 and 250 for the ex.
You have a good point, and it does seem odd that they would make more Spikes than Buffys. However, the one thing you can say is that this figure is pretty much perfect. There were complaints about all the other statues for one thing or another, but this statue you really can't complain about. I don't know what they could have done better.
You have a good point, and it does seem odd that they would make more Spikes than Buffys. However, the one thing you can say is that this figure is pretty much perfect. There were complaints about all the other statues for one thing or another, but this statue you really can't complain about. I don't know what they could have done better.
To me it seems as if they wanted to sex up the female characters, but they didn't do that with Spike and I'm sure they won't do that with Angel either.