I’m about to pick this guy up unless an HT version is seen at SDCC, kinda doubt it. I’m sure after I pick this up an HT version will be on the horizon.
Is it true the Hasbro version is more accurate? I’ve heard the SSC is too short lengthwise.
The SSC version is pretty much spot on for scale compared to the 1/6 models that they used in the special FX scenes for the Speederbike Chase. If you take a look at the SSC Speederbike page I’ve put some comparison shots on there that show the similarities in scale.
Considering this and the speeder bike since Sideshow has it on double rewards and free shipping at the moment. I wanted to keep all my 1/6 figures Hot Toys but I do have an AT-AT Driver and another Sideshow trooper piece lying around. Was wondering if you guys think Hot Toys will make a version or if they'll leave the "secondary" troopers to Sideshow?
I'm surprised no HT announcement yet especially after the success of the snowtrooper. I'm really wanting to pull the trigger on the SS but the helment is really bugging me still, as the "nose" is too long still. The speeder bike is really tempting though but I wonder if HT will do that as well since they did the emperors chair.
Does the bike fit into detolf somehow?
A quite nice figure. I really like it and can't say a bad word about it, SSC did a fine job. My only complain is his diaper, but that's stupid design coming from the movie itself.