Super Freak
Those seams! 

not necessarily, but for me, seeing that sticker would've made me feel better than the immediate paint smell that came out like if they got it hot of the press and packed it in and let it dry on the boat ride over. NONE of the PF's I have/had ever smelt like this guy upon opening.Sorry but do you think QC sticker still does matter?
thanks man!gudluck for your replacement mate, i think SS will have the best solution for this as they have been arround many years in the business just give them more time. and i agree with you reeves should be superior than mos, i personally prefer reeves as superman than cavill ...LOL
It is my understanding that none of these statues have the sticker.![]()
You're right. I can't believe what a steal we are all getting. This is easily a $400 dollar piece in materials cost alone. The next PVC piece won't come so cheaply!
As one who owns this piece, I find this statement inflammatory. If you're trying to say that the paint job on a 1/4 scale PF from Sideshow is not as good at the 1/6 scale paint job on a Hot Toys piece, of course you're right.
But the paint job on the MoS PF is at least as good if not better than any other SS PF piece I own or have examined personally.
We keep getting these comments out of people who don't own, and have never viewed the piece in person, meaning that they are making these judgments based on second hand accounts. And my judgement is that a good number of the less than stellar reviews on the paint and finish of this piece that we're seeing on YouTube and elsewhere that folks are naturally looking to are coming from people who can't (or won't) separate their angst over the PVC issue from the overall quality of the piece.
Some owners have reported some QC issues which is not unheard of a any large production run requiring hand finishing. We hope these customers receive pleasing replacements. But to call the paint job on this piece garbage is not only ridiculous, but such a statement also pushes people who are doing their best to try to honestly gauge whether they want the piece or not into unnecessarily harsh opinions before they have a chance to scrutinize its merits and shortcomings for themselves.
What I don't get is why they say they switched to PVC b/c of the cloth costume (it's been awhile since I check but I remember that being a reason someone was given)? Sooo many Polystone PFs have tight fitting cloth costumes such as the Comic Sups and Bats PF's. If the reason for PVC is the costume, I don't buy it
It has been taken into account. Many people have repeated what SS said,
and I know even on one of the Reviews, one guy mentioned Sideshow's response...
but the thing is, everyone is saying the same thing, they dont believe Sideshow's reason for the switch.
I personally dont believe it as well.
I think its just damage control...People are mad, so SS NEEDED to make a statement for the switch, that's other
than the obvious choice of maximizing profits and charging the same.
You're right. I can't believe what a steal we are all getting. This is easily a $400 dollar piece in materials cost alone. The next PVC piece won't come so cheaply!
We can always look back on the sideshow golden years...
Geeze man you act like I have offended your family, calm down man it's just a toy.![]()
I appreciate that, but I assure you I have proper perspective on the subject. But let’s be fair, we’re conversing about this on a Sideshow collectibles forum, so that kinda limits the breadth of the discussion, right?
. And if you’re not reasonably passionate about the subject matter, then what are any of us doing here? For the record, I don’t think your posts are any less passionate than mine!
Just to clarify my rant above, I’m just thinking that at this point many of us are basing our opinions of the piece on the reviews that are appearing online from people who are so pissed about PVC, that the just want to trash EVERYTHING about the figure they can list, and that I feel is unfair.
We always have Proto to Production let down on all of these SS PFs due primarily to factory paint apps vs. the love and care each proto receives in this regard. This has been the case on every one I’ve ever owned (and frankly I think SS should do something about this for our sake and theirs).
I just think that on MoS, people are taking the proto-production let down and running wild trying to attach any negative they can make stick (the YouTube review from Statue Doc is a clear example of this IMHO).
So, the bottom line for me is that if you place this PF on a shelf with the rest of your PFs, it’s gonna look great with the right lighting, just like all the rest.
I can make that statement because right now he’s on the shelf with all the rest of mine as we speak…and he looks great.
It’s a nice finished project, but I won’t be buying any more SS PFs using PVC unless the price is cut substantially.
He looks GREAT! What think you?? Looking forward to the review...
Remy, I love your collection and photos! You have a very distinctive style but we all know that this kind of photography could be very illusive! Anyway if you love it, congrats to youBut let's forget everything for a minute, why nobody mentioned that his neck is too LONG! Let me show you:
My Review for the Big Blue! I apologize if its a little long.
Congrats Remy, he indeed looks great. Excellent review and photos!
Awesome pics and review Remy!: I agree with all your points.
I can't wait for my replacement