So what I indicate in these photos is correct then?
If anyone is considering getting this, I got an email from SS, it says save over $75 with a code, and I think it expires tonight.
The code is MAN3TH38
I think that's a fair price, considering that it really is a nice figure.
Aside from PVC, my other nitpick is the price since I paid full price for it.
But still, I'm happy with it. its a really nice figure, and with the discount, I think that's a fair price.
A dude on Facebook got an MOS free for purchasing a 100% better statue (Comic Supes). So I think Sideshow should just do that every time....give it away with a purchase of a better statue. They can give away the Reeve PF too. They'll definitely pull more customers in that way.
That looks really good. Brought out the likeness even more. One thing that is off though is the color of his eyes.
One of Superman's prominent feature is his blue eyes. Even Brandon Routh I think had to wear contacts to make his eyes blue.
Other than that. He did do a good job. Kinda tempted to repaint mine now.
How much does he charge?
You know it's interesting, Vicente was adamant on this point, convinced that Cavill's eyes are green in person and were green in the movie. I couldn't disagree more. His eyes in my sight are blue with a fleck of brown in the left, and that's how they looked in the movie. No contacts as far as I could tell.
Here's an adjusted shot. Still on the fence...
This particular one he's selling as a complete figure only, $500. So my read is that would be about $125 or so for the portrait repaint.