Hello guys, i'm a long time lurker here for years but finally i decide to join in because i think it will be a productive and nice time to spend the love of this hobby. MOS PF is my second PF after the Ash Army of Darkness PF that i got from Ebay years ago. I myself is a longtime fan of Superman and DC Comics, love and adore the most misunderstood movie of all time (for some), but I'm a fan of this PF and i have been ordered it from the day one and the wait is very long, as you all experience it. The time has arrived, i received mine and now comes my problem with my PF.
I have a large paint stained in his nose and his shield rubber isn't cutted perfectly. Do these kind of defects can be addressed to Sideshow so i can get a better replacement? Because to be true, the quality of the final product especially on the head, is a must. It's a premium quality anyway. Can anyone here help me out on this matter? Thanks as always