Freaked Out
Very nice
Thanks bud, I'm really proud of this!
since the base for this statue is a bit meh to me, I have to find something to display with him and I got this.

Very nice
Is SS at NYCCThey were in San Antonio a few weeks ago and had a small display basically promoting the COTD
Argh..! Isn't anyone we know getting this early? Our overseas friends? Reviewers? Sideshow insiders? Just want a peek!
Worrying that Alex did not comment whether Sideshow themselves were happy with it!!! Is this regular or just a one off with this statue?
Can anyone ask Alex directly? Realizing that no one at SS is going to say it awful, but we might be able to read between the lines. Hopefully he say's he thinks its awesome! More likely, however, he never got to personally lay eyes on it...