It still all boils down to a switch out portrait. There have been plenty of Marvel PFs that have had great EX portraits. I'm sorry, but IMO, there is no greater SSC Marvel EX than the original Cap PF. Nothing else even comes close as far as I'm concerned. You had an old school COH, a switch out WW 2 shield, and a WW 2 helmet for him to stand on. Then you could put his modern head and shield on, and then have him standing on Ultron's head. That's 2 totally different statues available to a collector with the EX features offered. No one can convince me that a smiling Thanos portrait can come close to matching those EX Cap features. Thanos IS Thanos. Whether he's got a smug grinning look on his face or a stern one. No one will look at this Thanos MAQ and say that either portrait looks bad. There may be a preference of one portrait over the other. That doesn't make it a MUST HAVE EX. There aren't many of those as far as I'm concerned and the OG Cap PF certainly qualifies as one. And how much more is that game breaking EX feature selling for when compared to the REG? Yeah, a couple hundred bucks more.
Again, if anyone wants to believe that the EX feature on Thanos is worth $800 or more at this time (and only going to go for more when it's released)...go ahead and believe it. That's exactly what EX owners want to hear and flippers are counting on.

:good post: If you look at XM studios, who are top of the line when it comes to statues and QC. Their Knight of the Rising Sun Samurai Batman originally costed $705 and came with the following:
Approximately 51 cm tall (from head to toe)
Crafted from cold-cast porcelain
Includes four (5) head sculpts; Regular Cowl, Samurai Cowl, Demon Mask , Unmasked and Rage mode
One (1) left hand with interchangeable parts (for holding either, Sword, Batarang, crunch fist or relaxed fist)
Two (2) interchangeable right hand (for holding either Grappling gun, Sword, Batarang and relaxed fist)
Two (2) interchangeable chest plates (black bat logo and red bat logo)
Two (2) interchangeable shoulder plates (samurai style and normal )
All this and we can't get two head sculpts for Thanos at $1200. Interesting.
I think they should've given everyone both head sculpts and made the exclusive a signed art print or something to that extent. Not cool to keep a piece so central to the character away from everyone, plus they would've sold a ton more doing this IMO.
With that said, I'm done beating a dead horse, it is what it is. I'll just take my regular, be happy and ride off into the sunset.